When An Aquarius Man Wants To Marry You (7 Signs He Will Marry You Someday)

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Aquarius men are not the most traditional zodiac signs, so how to know when an Aquarius man wants to marry you? Look for these 7 signs!

How can you tell when an Aquarius man wants to marry you? Do you feel like you’re ready to move it to the next level and spend the rest of your life with him, but don’t understand why your Aquarius man hasn’t proposed to you yet?

Are you simply wondering if it will ever happen?

If so, keep reading because you’re in the right place! We’ll get into the signs an Aquarius man wants to marry you someday…

And if you have ever wondered how to get an Aquarius man to marry you, I have some very important and helpful tips for you. Wouldn’t it be beneficial for you to know so that you can take your relationship further with him?

If you’re unsure where you stand with your Aquarius man, then you should definitely keep reading to see if he actually secretly has feelings for you that are strong enough for marriage. What do you have to lose?

When An Aquarius Man Wants To Marry You

Who doesn’t want to get married? The Aquarius man certainly does, but it will probably take him forever and a day to decide he wants to form a close bond with you. That doesn’t mean it will not happen, but he is not in a hurry.

An Aquarius man is one of the most curious signs in the Zodiac. When an Aquarius man has a crush on you, he is going to want to know everything about you. He is super curious and wants to understand who you are. Asking more questions leads to another set of questions. Trust me, he actually finds this to be important.

Aquarius men like to keep things open and be easy-going, so start out as friends, and you’ll eventually get to the romantic part of your relationship and then eventually a marriage.

What does an Aquarius man want in a wife? Understanding for sure, followed by independence. He needs a supportive and loving partner who is also very curious, exciting, and above all, loyal.

He wants an interesting woman who is smart, unconventional, and from his social circle. It usually starts with friendship and then elevates it to the next level. She needs to offer a different perspective, enjoy intellectual debates, and have a very strong power of observation.

Learn more about Aquarius man’s love language here.

7 Undeniable Signs An Aquarius Man Wants To Marry You

1. He Considers You His Best Friend

When you two are doing everything under the sun together then it’s safe to say that he’s feeling quite close to you and could indicate your Aquarius man is ready to get married or is closer to you at the very least.

This will include taking you to meet his friends and family. Spending lots of time doing family or friend oriented things shows that he’s rather serious about you and intends to make you part of his tribe.

Only someone special would stand the test of time enough to be “brought home to mom”. He doesn’t take just anyone home so you can consider yourself as “in” when he’s bringing you to meet the family or those he’s closest to.

Read also: Clear Signs An Aquarius Man Just Wants To Be Friends (Even If You’re Hoping For More)

2. He Wants To Meet Your Family

When the Aquarius man is considering marriage, he’s going to want to see what your family is like. He wants to know how well he gets along with them and if they are accepting of him as well.

The family dynamic is important to the Aquarius man. He sees this as serious business. If he ever asks to meet your closest friends or family then he’s definitely got his wheels turning in how serious he’s capable of getting.

When the Aquarius man wants to marry you, he will want to see how you fit into his life in the most important ways. He may suggest having a family barbecue and invite both families over to see how well they all get along.

3. He Is Curious About You

The Aquarius man may actually ask you questions that he finds important when it comes to marriage. This is one of the signs that an Aquarius man wants to marry you. He’ll ask about things that are fundamental to the future.

He could ask you if you would like to have children, how many you would like to have, or if your kids are grown, if you would consider having more. He’s trying to see if you are on the same page as him.

He’ll ask what you believe in spiritually, where you see your future headed, and where you would like to be X amount of years later. It may feel like he’s grilling you but the truth is, he’s trying to see if he fits into your future.

Learn more about the questions to ask an Aquarius man to spark his interest.

4. He Includes You In His Future Plans

When the Aquarius man starts talking terms of future events and has you painted into the picture, you can rest assured he plans on making it permanent. If he cannot see his life without you, he wants to make sure you stay.

This is when he may start talking about your future together, he may actually mention marriage, and what life may be like with you two down the line. This is one way of testing you to see where you stand on this topic.

He wants to see if you get excited about what he says or if you seem resistant or despondent. He’s looking for your reaction and whether or not it brings you great joy. Testing is nothing new for an Aquarius man.

5. He Opens Up About Personal Things

The Aquarius guy doesn’t often talk about his personal business. He’s a very private person. He has to really trust someone. Normally he’ll talk to family or his best friend.

If you are the woman of his dreams then you become his best friend and therefore you’re the one he starts opening up to. When he starts getting really into the depths of his life then it means he’s seeing you as “the one”.

He will only say so much to most other people and if you’re only dating, he probably won’t tell you too terribly much because he’s not at the point where he wants to get closer. When he does, he will open a floodgate of personal information.

Here’s more on how to get an Aquarius man to open up and share his true feelings.

6. He Wants To Know Your Hidden Desires

Clearly, when an Aquarius man is bombarding you with questions, he’s trying to get to know you as much as possible. He isn’t doing this at the beginning of the relationship but when he feels close enough to you, prepare yourself!

Aquarius man knows what he wants and he has to make sure you’re the one he wants to marry which means asking you all sorts of questions about who you are, where you want to be, what your dreams are, and what you really want.

The Aquarius guy will definitely make himself obvious when feeling more committed to being with you for the long haul. Seeing this combined with other signs, you’re sure to know where his head is at.

7. He Sacrifices His Time For You

It’s true that an Aquarius man tends to really love his personal solitude time. However, when he’s in love and wants to get married, he will start sacrificing his time to make his partner happy.

If you see signs of him doing things that make him go out of his way, he’s trying to show you how much he cares and is likely considering you to be his future wife. This is another sign that an Aquarius man wants to marry you.

How To Get An Aquarius Man To Marry You

Have you been with an Aquarius man for a while but would like to take the next step in getting married but he’s dragging his feet? There are hoops you probably will need to jump through to get him to take that plunge.

The research shows that there has been a decrease in number of marriages in the last couple of years. Marriage might not be as popular as it was before, and as you probably know Aquarians aren’t really the most traditional from all the signs, but still, there’s a way you can navigate his world of commitment and lead him to want to marry you.

If you’re ready, keep reading for more information on how to get an Aquarius man to marry you.

Show Your Worth

Aquarius men do not like to be pushed, so if you want to get an Aquarius man to marry you, be patient. They are very independent and will not allow someone to tell them what to do, how to do it, and at what time to do it.

In fact, you’re going to want to plant seeds in his mind instead of trying to tackle it head-on. One of the biggest things you can do with an Aquarius man is to show him why you’d be a great wife to him.

Perhaps you can do so by acting as though you are already married. Naturally, this only works if you’ve been with him for 2 or more years first. Maybe living with an Aquarius man is a better next step if you’re not already.

This allows him to see what you’re like up close and personal. Living separately, he still has lots of free time to himself. When he lives with someone, he loses some of that and can then figure out if his partner is worth that step or not.

Talk About The Future

It’s always a great idea to approach your plans and goals for yourself. It shows him you are ambitious and you don’t need him to help you with it. You can do it all on your own.

It doesn’t mean he won’t help, but he’s after to help you if he sees you can do it on your own. He will want to make it easier for you when or where he can.

When you’re discussing your plans, you can also bring up the fact that you’d like to settle down, have kids, etc. You’ll see quickly how he feels about that. If he shows his genuine interest, this is one of the signs he will marry you someday.

Either he’ll get uncomfortable, or he’ll ask you questions about it. If he says nothing, ask him what he sees himself doing for the next several years and if he has any desire to want what you want.

Learn here how to talk to an Aquarius man properly (do’s and don’ts) <<

Show Him You Are His True Match

If or when an Aquarius man agrees he’d like to marry, you will need to keep showing him why you’re the perfect person for him. You’ll also need to be gracious for all he does for you.

Be loving, be grateful, be honest, and be loyal. These are things an Aquarius man is looking for in his match for life. If you are living together, you have a better chance of getting him to see that it would be a good thing.

Aquarius is strong-minded, and he won’t do anything he doesn’t want. That being said, if you intellectually get on his level and talk about goals, passions, and aspirations, he may surprise you and pop the question.

There is no way to know how long or how short the process may be as every Aquarius man is different. Plant those seeds though, and you may see some growth.

Don’t Pressure Him

If you’re not yet living together, you should try suggesting this as the next step in your relationship. Again, I would wait until you’ve had 2 or more years with him. If anything sooner, he will not take it seriously.

If he feels any sign of pressure, he may cut you off and tell you he isn’t ready. You do not want to ever make him feel like he needs to hurry up. He won’t take to it well, and you’ll end up broken-hearted.

That being said, know you’re in this for the long haul if you want to be with him. You’ll have to wait for him out and have a great deal of patience. An Aquarius man is one of the most complicated signs to get to commit.

Once an Aquarius does commit, it’s even harder to get him to take the next step in the commitment. When you do, though, it’s smooth sailing from there! Enjoy it and embrace the love you have.

Give Him Lots of Freedom

Aquarius men don’t like to feel boxed in. They are very creative and deep thinkers. They need space and freedom in their intimate relationships. Aquarians hate the idea of feeling smothered and possessed. A word of advice: if you are insecure and a very jealous person, this is not going to be a smooth marriage.

These guys go beyond the limit when it comes to feeling free, but the more freedom you give him, the faster he will run home from work to put his key in the door and come home to you.

He will love the fact that you trust him. If you can respect this strong characteristic in his personality, then your chances will be much greater to keep their attention focused where it should be—on you!

Show Him Gratitude When He Agrees To Marriage

Aquarius men don’t mind being single. They are always busy, and they enjoy quiet time and solitude. It gives them more space to be creative and cultivate their constant flow of ideas. However, if you have managed to win his heart and he has asked for your hand in marriage, go for it, because it doesn’t happen that often.

Aquarius men are great friends and will usually have lots of close friends in their circle that make them happy. It would be wise to embrace his friends; this will show him how much you care about his happiness.

This Aquarius lover will be a very kind, generous, and loving husband, as long as you understand him and do not try to change his ways. Well, if you think you can change anyone, that would be a path to disaster in an intimate relationship.

Aquarius Man Marriage Compatibility — Who Is An Aquarius Man Most Likely To Marry?

Aquarius Man & Aquarius Woman

This is an amazing opportunity for love and marriage to flourish! Both Aquarius and Aquarius are air signs, making them like-minded.

Aquarius can be a misunderstood sign, but Aquarius will definitely find a friend and ally in Aquarius. Aquarius finds it easy to get along with most people but will be particularly drawn to Aquarius.

Both Aquarius men and Aquarius women are unconventional and they can form a compatible union based on their sharp wit, adventurousness, and desire for freedom.

Here’s more about Aquarius man and Aquarius woman compatibility.

Aquarius Man & Libra Woman

Libra is a bit more emotionally driven than Aquarius. The good thing is, Libra’s emotions will not necessarily impede Aquarius’ freedom, nor will they compromise the intellectual connection.

Because of this, Aquarius men may find Libra woman’s emotions tolerable and may even be inclined to open up a little more as well.

It is likely that Libra will see long-term potential in the relationship long before Aquarius does. An Aquarius man takes a long time to commit since they are driven by logic and the need for independence.

This union is a good match for a long-lasting marriage. Learn more about Aquarius man and Libra woman match here.

Aquarius Man & Sagittarius Woman

Communication and openness are what will make this marriage union infallible. Both Aquarius man and Sagittarius woman will be intrigued and stimulated and will likely be able to push the limits in ways they wouldn’t be able in other relationships.

As long as neither sign takes advantage of the other, and they trust that they really can have it all in life, they may find that they have found a soulmate. These signs will facilitate the deepest needs and desires of the other if they trust their values and each other.

What Makes An Aquarius Man Want To Marry You?

Aquarius men are some of the most social people in the world, and for them to want to hang out with just one person must mean that this one person is particularly special.

Talking to you and sharing great conversation is how an Aquarius man acts when he wants to commit. Enjoy his intellect and great topics. You, of course, should always show him your witty intellect as well. He’ll appreciate it greatly.

Tell him about yourself; tell him about your life and things that are important to you. You can share your values and interests to help him get to know who you are, and it will help determine if the Aquarius man digs you.

With his woman, an Aquarius man can create authentic and unconventional emotional connections. He desires intimacy, but at the same time, he wants personal space. It would help if you wanted the same.

FAQ On Aquarius Man Marriage

Are you struggling to figure out if your Aquarius man is marriage material? Well, luckily for you I have compiled questions that might come up in your relationship. Hopefully, this can help you navigate your relationship with your Aquarius man.

What Does It Mean When An Aquarius Man Says He Wants To Marry You?

When an Aquarius man says he wants to marry you, it means he is serious.

Trust can be hard for Aquarius men. They tend to keep to themselves and not share much with others. If they let you in, that means you matter to them. Letting him into your personal life can be overbearing, but don’t wait for him to tell you all his secrets first.

So, when an Aquarius man says he wants to marry you, the wedding bells are not that far away!

How Long Does It Take For An Aquarius Man To Propose?

It takes a lot of time for the Aquarius man marriage proposal to happen. He needs reassurance and recognition for his creativity and his talents.

In order to get an Aquarius man to propose, you need to compliment him a lot. If you are not there for his creative side, you are just not there at all.

It works both ways; it is not enough for him to like you and take the necessary steps to commit. It is also about you being able to reciprocate so that he can feel appreciated and loved. Only then will your Aquarius man propose.

My Aquarius Man Says He Wants To Marry Me But Hasn’t Proposed Yet — What Should I Do?

If you are loyal to him, then your chances will be much greater to keep his attention focused where it should be—on you!

Aquarius men don’t like to feel boxed in. He is a deep thinker and he needs space and freedom in his intimate relationships. He dislikes feeling smothered and possessed. Whatever you do, don’t be insecure or jealous.

That will intrigue him into taking things to the next level—marriage. When an Aquarius man decides you’re the one, believe me, he is unstoppable!

Become Aquarius Man Dream Woman In 30 Days (Or Give Up Forever)

Looking to become the woman of your Aquarius man’s dreams, but getting frustrated with how slowly things are progressing. Do you wish you had a magic ball to see into the future to KNOW for sure if he’s “The One” for you?

It’s time to stop trying to figure him out and start taking action!

Well, I have fantastic news for you!

There is a simple system that takes only 30 days and will draw him to you like a magnet, getting him to fall deeply in love with you.

But if he isn’t your soulmate, you will know for sure and can move on.

This powerful program will give you everything you need to know if your Aquarius is your forever guy.

He WILL respond quickly to this approach if he IS the one for you, and if he doesn’t, you will know in 30 days so you don’t waste any more precious time.

We all know that Aquarius men can be stubborn, and leave you waiting and wondering for a very long time. But with this program, you’ll have the tools to get him to commit quickly.

And if he doesn’t, you’ll know he isn’t the right man for you and can set him loose to find your true soulmate.

So no more waiting around or playing it cool. It’s time to get your Aquarius man to step up or move on.

>> Don’t miss out on the opportunity to become his dream woman in just 30 days or give up forever.

Get your answer now and start your journey towards a fulfilling and lasting relationship with your Aquarius man.

Wishing you all the luck of the universe.

Your friend and Relationship Astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

30 thoughts on “When An Aquarius Man Wants To Marry You (7 Signs He Will Marry You Someday)

  1. I’ve been with an Aquarius man for 22 yrs and everything you said above is true but maybe since about May or June of this year he went back in time like 20yrs … I’ve also had some health issues. We’ve always been able to communicate but but I’ve had a gut feeling for about last 6mths and my daughter and I went on holidays whole month of August 2days later after comin home I found him cheating with someone 25yrs younger then him… He told me we’d be together 4ever but something changed in him … Any ideas ???

    1. Hi Sandy!

      It sounds like your relationship changed in some way. If he’s cheating it’s because he’s bored and/or unhappy. You need to approach this with him. I don’t know if you can forgive him or not but that’s the first thing you’ve got to figure out. If you find that you can forgive him with time then you need to ask him why he’s unhappy or bored. Then you will have to take steps to freshen things up again and become like a new couple doing new things and keeping it exciting. Find out more by reading my book “Aquarius Man Secrets”.

  2. I have been / was w/ an Aquarius man for 36 years. I am a Scorpio. He is horrible at communicating. He is quirky and monogamy is a struggle. He is very intelligent, hard working and intuitive. They are a handful. Incredible physical and emotional connection.

    1. Hi Lisa!

      It sounds like despite his flaws, you think highly of him and things are moving right along with you two. Even knowing what you do, you are still finding a way to make it work. I applaud you! Not many women can handle Aquarius man. Find out more by reading my book “Aquarius Man Secrets”.

  3. Hi. So I’ve been dating an Aquarius man for 3 months now. So he has alot of friends and seem like they see him way more than I do. I dont mind him going to them bt shouldnt there be a balance. I miss him when I dont see him and I’ve told him before and he says he misses me too

    1. Hi Shireene!

      Tell him you’d like to have a balance then. Tell him that you have to find a point to which you agree so that both of you are happy. It’s nice you give him his time to do as he pleases but you also need some of his time to make your love last a lifetime. Find out more by reading my book “Aquarius Man Secrets”.

  4. Hi I have been with my aquarias Male for a while. He was my ex husband’s friend. I always had a thing for him and now I know why he is so amazing. I have never been treated this way before. When we first started dating he said he wasn’t looking for anything serious, but asked me to move in with him recently. Well on his vacation from work I told him I love him. He said love is a fairy tale but then later that day he said he.loves me too but only once. Now when I say it he says cut that out girl. I dont want to not say it I still tell him at least once a day and when he says cut that out I tell him no never I won’t stop. Am I making a mistake or is that his way of saying it back to me? Like in ghost ya know ditto. He tells me all about his day at work we are always doing things together. He is very passionate and thoughtful. His momma loves me. I’ve known him for 25 years. We have a strong friendship not just a sexual relationship. He told me he always liked me too. He actually said he was only friends with my ex to visit with me that he really never liked.my ex. I wish I would have left so much earlier.

    1. Hi Angela!

      Alright… Aquarius men are much like Virgo, Capricorn, and Aries. They are the strong silent type when it comes to feelings. They don’t like to discuss how they feel. They like to show you how they feel instead. In fact, Taurus men are this way as well. They want you two to constantly show each other love rather than saying it. He is one of those that feels the world love is overused and doesn’t like it. He says it for impact when he needs to but otherwise just wants to feel it. Find out more by reading my book “Aquarius Man Secrets”.

  5. Last August i met an Aquarius guy. Mad attraction feom both sides, got phisical after a week or so.. extraordinary 2 weeks… but then he got to ask me questions that i judged too private and asked him not to. I wasnt ready for that just healad from a heartbreak.He said my behaviour would change his attitude towards me. And it did. He got more and more diszant and cold up to the point where he cut it off.
    Said that he would though like to stay friends.
    I didnt feel it but i agreed hoping that i could repair that eas broken.
    I always felt that he eas still in love with me, and so i was but he never ever tried to het physical again.. sometimes i also misunderstood his friendlinesd and i thought he eas getting romantic again. But no. And he slo got mad sometimes that i was crossing the boundaries by trying to hug him.. these times he would disappear for days even weeks.
    Its been 8 months. We became kind of verygood friends.. I always felt the passion though also feom his side. I even started to doubt my own feminine instincts as he never even got flirty …
    The times i did stop contacting or replying home he would though reach out for me immediately.
    We in the past few weeks got really nice personal conversation that feel to bring us even closer.
    His attitude is changing a bit, he gives longer hugs..and more attentive. Me on the contrary i am at the edge to want to stop all this.. i am still in love and all this refusals make me feel like if i were in a toxic relationship. My bad? I am a pisces really tough for me to let go.

    1. Hi leda!

      He got cold feet pure and simple. Aquarius men do this. Nearly all of them love love love and then get terribly frightened at the prospect of getting hurt so they back down and get cold. They also do this if they become bored or question whether or not you’re the right one for them. I’m glad his attitude has changed for the better though. It sounds like he’s working past his fears. You’re almost polar opposite to him as you’re very emotional and he’s one that guards himself and puts up a wall. Find out more by reading my book “Aquarius Man Secrets”.

  6. Anna you are so right! Aquarius men are famous for that wall. I have to break it down and he is wonderful and then gets scared and runs away. I am Gemini……not sure how long I can keep playing this game……although I sometime feel him we we are not together. We are so great together but let that wall go up and I am not the one for him and he starts flirting with all his other girls he calls friends…..and then I get jealous……what a cycle…..we are on the outs….I had to block him on social media so I would leave him alone…..

    1. Hi Lynn!

      My goodness. Well getting him to chase you is a good route. He needs to crap or get off the pot with this relationship. He needs to step up and be a man. Don’t let him play games with you. Call him out on it sweetheart. Tell him what is crap and what is right. He needs to know. Aquarius men aren’t forthcoming so when you ARE, he’ll actually have to tell you the truth. I wish you all the best!

  7. I have been married to my Aquarius man for 20 years (I’m an Aries). In the 21 years that we have been together he has opened up to me less than a handful of times, strong silent type in that respect. It’s extremely frustrating but it is what it is and I don’t push too hard. He is terrible at communicating his feelings so I have always just trusted his love. I feel like he shows his love to me by taking me out to nice dinners, or extravagant weekends away, and by working so hard at his job to provide myself and our kids with a good life. It is never once been lost on me. From reading all of your articles I have learned that I suppose I’ve been doing things right with him, and just loving him without pressure has been the key. Thanks, for all of your advice.

    1. Hi Jill!

      Thank you so much for sharing your situation and your experience with an Aquarius man. I’m sure many women will find this very useful! Trust in his love, yes! That’s often the best route. Some men are just built so hold their feelings in. I know a few men that are very hard to read and they don’t openly discuss anything personal. They’re the strong silent type as well. You’re doing great and I know you have many more years ahead with your Aquarius guy. I wish you all the best!

  8. I am currently dating an aquarius who used to be my ex some ten yrs ago bt I cheated, confessed it and he broke up with me, came back some months later, asking us to be together which I refused cuz I was dating as at the time. so we remained friends for some yrs and lost contact again for a couple of yrs until somewhere last year we got in touch again bt I was goin out. He kept pushing I should visit him cuz he wanted to see me which I did but he was very nervous around me when I visited. He cudnt even hug me. Afterwards communication seized for a while then it started again as he pursued me this time. I agreed to go out with him but then he was off at a point and could go days without communicating with me so I got tired and left without saying a word. It’s been abt 2 months now he came back again wanting us to give it another try which I did bt I was unhappy cuz he seemed too distant, stingy, overly busy for my liking. So I told him I was unhappy with the relationship bcuz he’s so unavailable and I cant handle it and that am not complaining cus I have given up on us already. I realised this hurt him a lot and of course I was hurt myself so jx the next day, we patched up and since things seems to be quite sweet between us which I fear may not last as usual. But He told me afterwards to confront him on things he does and am not pleased with. And also if I find him drifting away from me ,I should bring him close to me cuz he can’t loose me again. He never stops telling me how much he loves me and wants to have a life with me. I rili love him too, reason I keep our relationship, bt am unsure how long I can do this. Am a 30yr old cancer woman and he’s 34. What do I do?

    1. Hi Jemima!

      Alright, don’t self sabotage with worrying about whether he’ll stick around in the long haul. This is a common mistake many women make. The best way to do this is to enjoy each day as they come. Enjoy the time you have with him and make the best out of it. If you worry about the outcome, you’re going to just end up deciding you cannot take the worry and break it off with him again. Don’t do that to yourself. Hang in there and do what he asked which is that you speak up and let him know when he’s not doing something right. That communication between you two can be salvaged so don’t give up! If you need more Aquarius man help, check out my guides on Aquarius Man Secrets!

  9. Hello, my situation is one that will be judged or you may may not be objective about. After 38 years, I met my classmate at a class reunion. He was really taken with me. Then I heard the others talking about how he is unhappy and made a gross mistake to marry whom he’s married to… For 6 months. He is an Aquarius. He followed his obligation to church and society and married someone he doesn’t love. He met me and Heaven knows… The connection was so real. This man really loves me, he goes out of his way for me. I’ve fallen in love with him and he with me. He is tied up in business with the person he married and has to be wise because he invested his life assets. I have learned the ways of the aquarius man from Anna and we have a great reltionship. In the eyes of society and church, we are sinners and wrongdoers, but we have survived thus far. It’s like he cares about my physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Protective, caring… All the qualities of aquarius man. I visualize us being together as a married couple, I trust the universe to return it in the perfect manifested form. Anna, he is genuine to me, he knows he made a mistake to marry her, what shall I do?

    1. Hi Eanamatie!

      It’s really not for anyone to tell you that what you are doing is right or wrong. It’s between the two of you. It’s definitely not my place to judge. I am glad I could help you with your journey sweetheart. That makes my heart feel full. It sounds like quite a journey for you two. The love you two have is all that matters between you. If he knows he made a mistake with her then what comes next is that he needs to figure out how to plan things out properly so he can exit the marriage. If he isn’t happy, she may not be either. Arranged marriage have always been difficult. He will have to get out of it if he wants to merge with you for the long haul. I certainly do wish you nothing but the best!

  10. Hi There,

    Thanks for the opportunity of this forum and content provided.
    I too have been dating an aquarius man for a little over a month now. Meeting this individual was unexpected as is how much we’ve come to be fond of each other. Unlike many comments here regarding lack of communication-this one is the complete opposite lol
    He is the perfect mix of a lover, friend & roommate. That is the feeling I have around him.
    He has been married twice before, isn’t opposed to marriage again but isn’t there and that’s ok with me. I have never been married but have always been open to the possibility of it or not. My child is grown as are his no for the purpose of family in that regard I am not of the norm. Neither of us desire more kids.
    This guy makes me feel amazing, he’s attentive, generous, affectionate, communicates and likes to spend time together-even when I offer up the outs he said he can’t get enough of me and how every date we’ve had since meeting has been an amazing time. While he still needs to finalize his divorce from last marriage, and isn’t in the same state as her anymore I am supportive but if in that we continue to grow if that is the case, he will need to wrap that up to move forward to next chapter.
    I feel blessed by the universe as he is many of the qualities I’ve wanted in someone for long time. We both feel lucky to have met and riding this journey out where ever that may lead:). Still much to be revealed along the way but Im in as it keeps getting better!
    Thank you for your content, as I have never dated an aquarius b4

    1. Hi Capricorn Girl 74!

      You’re welcome. I’m so thrilled I can help women understand better what is going on with their Aquarius men. It’s wonderful that you feel so close to your Aquarius man. I’m so happy for you!!! It sounds like there is a beautiful future for the two of you. I wish you all the love and happiness you deserve!

  11. Hi there,

    I was dating an Aquarius man for a year and seven months. Everything was going great between us. We were always hanging out in our free time. We were always laughing and having fun together. Towards the end of our relationship, we sort of got into a routine, and every time we would hang out we would do the same. We became very comfortable with each other. However, around that time, I was unsure where I stood with him. Whether he liked me and if he was serious about our relationship. One day I brought these concerns up with him and asked him how serious our relationship was, and he responded that he wasn’t sure, that he hadn’t thought of our future together. We both weren’t very talkative and we struggled to communicate especially when it was about our relationship. Afterward, for one week, everything was great again. Then he had to go away on a work trip for 2 weeks. When he got back from his work trip, we met up again. It seemed to me that his behavior towards me had switched and I didn’t recognize him anymore. While we were hanging out at his house, I noticed that he seemed disinterested in me and that he was sort of giving me the cold shoulder. He would just watch TV and not really acknowledge that I was there. I tried to start a conversation with him, but he kept giving me one-word answers. A little bit later, his mood changed and he started becoming affectionate toward me. Afterward, he again then returned his attention to the television and started ignoring me again. I got very angry with him and started to ignore him too. Two days later, he invited me to go clubbing with him, however, I was still mad at him so I refused his invite. He kept trying to persuade me to go with him. He wouldn’t stop insisting, and I eventually cracked and told him to just go without me. The next day, he called me and invited me to his house, but he again ignored me. Instead of speaking with me, he spent the whole time speaking with his sister and didn’t even acknowledge that I was there. Later that day, when he was taking me home, he was holding my hand, and he appeared agitated and annoyed about something, we both remained silent. Afterward, he disappeared for a week ( I didn’t try reaching out to him either). After a week, out of nowhere he called me to check in on me, and I replied to his questions and but I didn’t bother to continue the conversation we said bye and haven’t spoken since then.

    I want to mention I am Pisces. I wanted to get your opinion about this guy because to this day I am still confused about what happened and why he was effectively hot and cold with me.

  12. Hi there,

    I was dating an Aquarius man for a year and seven months. Everything was going great between us. We were always hanging out in our free time. We were always laughing and having fun together. He was always calling me and inviting me to hang out. Towards the end of our relationship, we got into a routine, and every time we would hang out we would do the same. We became very comfortable with each other. However, around that time, I was unsure where I stood with him. Whether he liked me and if he was serious about our relationship. One day I brought these concerns up with him and asked him how serious our relationship was, and he responded that he wasn’t sure, that he hadn’t thought of our future together. We both weren’t very talkative and we struggled to communicate mainly when it was about our relationship. Afterward, for one week, everything was great again. Then he had to go away on a work trip for 2 weeks. When he got back from his work trip, we met up again. It seemed to me that his behavior towards me had switched and I didn’t recognize him anymore. While we were hanging out at his house, I noticed that he seemed disinterested in me and that he was giving me the cold shoulder. He would just watch TV and not really acknowledge that I was there. I tried to start a conversation with him, but he kept giving me one-word answers. A little bit later, his mood changed and he started becoming affectionate toward me. Afterward, he again then returned his attention to the television and started ignoring me again. I got very angry with him and started to ignore him too. Two days later, he invited me to go clubbing with him, however, I was still mad at him so I refused his invite. He kept trying to persuade me to go with him. He wouldn’t stop insisting, and I eventually cracked and told him to just go without me. The next day, he called me and invited me to his house, but he again ignored me. Instead of speaking with me, he spent the whole time speaking with his sister and didn’t even acknowledge that I was there. Later that day, when he was taking me home, he was holding my hand, and he appeared agitated and annoyed about something, we both remained silent. Afterward, he disappeared for a week ( I didn’t try reaching out to him either). After a week, out of nowhere he called me to check in on me, and I replied to his questions and but I didn’t bother to continue the conversation we said bye and haven’t spoken since then.

    I want to mention I am Pisces. I wanted to get your opinion about this guy because to this day I am still confused about what happened and why he was effectively hot and cold with me.

    1. Hi Corina!

      He wants the friendship that feels like a relationship but still offers him freedom. I hate to hear this. He wants to do what he wants to do and commitment just isn’t something he is into. That’s not too terribly rare for an Aquarius actually. I’m sorry you’re going through this. Stop talking to him. If he does care, he will come around at some point. If he doesn’t, he’s already blown it off and has moved on. I wish you all the love and happiness you truly deserve!

  13. I have a very complicated situation with an Aquarius man. We met at work and hit it off immediately the conversations are amazing. He is 29 and I’m 47( I look about 35). No one has ever questioned the age difference. I have never felt the type of love I feel from him. We have been friends with occasional benefits for 1.5 years. Every time things are going very well and I finally think that maybe this could be more than friends something triggers him and he runs into hiding. It seems as soon as it feels to much like a relationship he finds some excuse to get mad and pull away. The last blowout was because I wanted to go to a concert and at the last minute he decided he didn’t want to go. So I asked him if he would mind if I asked one of his friends who enjoys the band to go with me so the tickets didn’t get wasted. He flipped out like I was cheating on him. This was also the first time he actually yelled at me. This was 4 days ago and I haven’t heard from him at all. I just don’t know if it’s worth the up and down roller coaster ride. I love him more than I have ever loved anyone. When things are good they are amazing but when he’s ignoring me I feel horrible. Ps I ended up going to the concert by myself

    1. Hi Kristina!

      Well for one thing… that’s HIS problem. He needs to get that in check so it doesn’t ruin his romantic relationship. You asked him nicely and you weren’t looking for sex but he didn’t like it. I’m glad you went to the concert. You should never give in to jealous or childish behavior from any man. Ignore him for a bit and see what he does honey. Sometimes that makes them come running back. Take care of yourself no matter what. I applaud your independence! I wish you all the very best!

  14. I am married to an aquarius man. Relationship is great and we give each other lots of space. However I feel the physical intimacy is very low
    He only likes to kiss or have sex at very rare locations. Even when I initiate he turns me down lots of times saying he is tired (which he is I can see as he works long hours). How do I get him to be physically more intimate. Thank you.

  15. I was dating an Aquarius in Jan 2020 beginning of Covid, we were so close, ive never felt like that with anyone, he even was talking marriage 6 months together.. I took a job end of the year away and it hurt our relationship, he felt he needed someone with him closer and he put me in friendzone so fast.. we even had talked marriage again on my bday in march 2021.. he brought it up.. next thing I know in May he is seeing someone else. It hurt me I had a complete breakdown I felt betrayed yet I still loved him so much. He was my best friend. I thought I wasn’t enough in looks.. she was 11 years younger than him. But he called her the love of his life.. lets say fast forward 9 months and he starts talking to me again.. they slowly broke things off and I have been seeing him some recently. He told me he only wanted friendship.. I was okay with it bc I’d rather have him as a friend than nothing at all… no matter how pathetic that sounds I was finally relieved and at peace because he was back in my life. I will always love him no matter what. I did date other men while we were seperated, but it never worked out- one man lied he was married the other just changed his mind about what he was looking for.. so I had always hoped we would get one more chance – that he would miss me or something.. I hoped and prayed. We became friends again. We have kissed and been intamate and its been very nice… but I am dying to try again. Even though I know it may end badly. I am trying to be patient yet not wait around.. its hard bc my work takes me in and out of town alot so makes harder to meet new people.. This past week he had surgery and had no one to take him I stayed with him and took him, he told me how much i meant to him, picking up where others failed him.. that he appreciated me and never would forget me and hoped he can be a great friend back.. I love him very much and I wonder sometimes if we stay on this friendship path will it lead to more? Will he miss me enough to fight and realize what he let go? Or should I keep trying with other men even though I can’t stop with how great it was when it was good. I know sometimes men have to fear losing someone to make a move. I don’t want to nor do I play games. I genunienly love this man. What do I do? I have to go to the city soon.. we will be 6 hours apart for a few months… I’m Aries he is Aquarius.. I’ve never been married he has been divorced twice and deeply felt hurt each time. i think he was afraid of being hurt.. I have no idea why he and the woman he left me for broke up.. they also just unfolllowed each other online. Should I ask him what happened or keep myself out of it…. When you fall for someone like this it just sucks because you know you can do what it takes to make something work.. why can’t they see it? …

  16. After hearing this, I am married, but if i found myself alone some day I would completely turn away from starting a relationship this kind of cosmos man. In my opinion he lives in some kind of dream world ,from some that ive met. He is looking for a perfect situation, with the perfect woman, when he isn’t perfect himself! Simple not worth walking on egg shells “all your life” Miserably hooked for ever.! Sorry to tell you this but I sincerely believe the freezing temps at birth affected their mind some how. Every one I have ever dealt with were terrible to deal with. But thats only me.

    Maybe not all of these guys, but so many spoken of here, you would think they have two heads of something. Gemini’s arent so much this way, in fact i like Gemini, depends on the Moon and rising sign. These ones there mentioning here, sorry to say this, but out of respect for the broken hearted ones, my heart goes out to each and ever one of them. But the ones mentioned here remind me of ” if you recognize the Dr Dolittle show on the air of many years ago.

    Does anyone Remember the push me pull you Lama ? U can look it up. This animal is a white Lama. Its body has no back legs. But was born with its mid section attached back to back. It had only two front legs with two heads and neck, It couldn’t move forward or back very easily. With each head competeing with the other where to go or how to live with that way. So it stood in one place all the time. Very unusual interesting creature, but also freaky and unstable. No wonder it could live at all. Its only fiction , but it reminds me of some of these Aquarius men on this forum. Maybe i would suspect there are some rare ones, but im sure most are still happily married out in the world. Its so hard to ignor them. They can be so wonderful. But are they real? I would want a man around for security, not to feel neglected . For the stable aquarius out there ditto for you.

  17. I have been with my Aquarius for two years..the first year was awesome and he always talked about our future. One day he did a 360 and now if I ever talk about us as a future he gets irritated.. he always has an excuse of why he doesn’t want to live together or get married. I don’t know what to do I’m an Aquarius as well and we are amazing together but this is tearing me apart. After this long we should be able to talk about a future and I’m heartbroken to walk away when I have finally met my match. Should I just be patient?

    1. Hi Heartbroken,

      The number one thing you can do to get an Aquarius to commit to you possibly is by giving him time and space. I know it may not seem like the easiest thing to do, but the truth is, the Aquarius man takes his time.
      This is one of the most difficult out of all the signs to get to commit. It’s not because they don’t want to. It’s because they want to make darned sure of what they’re doing and who they’re doing it with.

      Aquarius men do not want to waste their time with someone they think will not work out in the long term. They do not mind having “friends with benefits” or occasional “fun buddies” because they are not emotionally tied.

      When they’re ready to settle down, you’ll know it for sure as they will tell you and show you that they want you. To get him to get to that point though, it will be a long road.
      Aquarius is in no hurry to jump into a committed relationship. He’d rather wait and possibly lose out on someone than jump the gun and be stuck with someone he knows isn’t right for him.
      If you genuinely want the Aquarius guy that you are into; give him some time and be very patient with him. Remember he may not call every single day or reply to every single text you send but as long as you don’t overreact, things will go well.

      Sending Love!

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