9 Clear Signs An Aquarius Man (Secretly) Likes You

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
How to tell if an Aquarius man likes you or not? Even if he's sending you mixed signals, here are some basic signs an Aquarius man (secretly) likes you.

You might not be sure if an Aquarius man likes you or not, but these men aren’t as mysterious as they make themselves out to be – trust me, there are always signs that an Aquarius man secretly likes you.

And there are some definite signs an Aquarius man gives if he likes you more than just a friend. Wouldn’t it be beneficial for you to know so that you can take your relationship further with him?

If you’re unsure where you stand with your Aquarius man, then you should definitely keep on reading to see if he actually secretly has feelings for you. What do you have to lose?

The chances of getting an Aquarius man to make the first move towards a romantic relationship are pretty slim, so go for it and hope for the best.

How To Tell If An Aquarius Man Likes You

An Aquarius man is one of the most curious sign in the Zodiac. This means that when an Aquarius man has a crush on you, he is going to want to know everything about you. He is super curious and wants to understand who you are.

If you find an Aquarius is always interested in talking to you and asks you a ton of questions then he definitely likes you! The thing that you need to understand about an Aquarius is that he likes variety, and this means that he might have interests elsewhere.

This is something you need to accept about him, at least in the dating phase when the two of you haven’t made a commitment to each other yet. When an Aquarius man likes you, he isn’t the type of guy to keep a secret about it.

He will openly talk about you to the people in his life or casually drop you into a conversation. If he is wanting to spend a good amount of time with you then this is also a very clear sign that an Aquarius man likes you.

Do you want to seduce your Aquarius man with words? Click here and learn how to talk dirty to an Aquarius man.

9 Clear Signs An Aquarius Man Secretly Likes You

Okay, so now that you have a bit of a background on Aquarius men and how they operate in the world, you probably want to get to the nitty-gritty of who they are when an Aquarius man has a crush on you.

Here are 5 most obvious signs an Aquarius man secretly likes you:

1. He Shows He Cares With Sweet Gestures

Aquarius men are kind people, but they go the extra mile when they’re in the presence of someone they like. Aquarius men aren’t drawn to love as much or as often as any other sign, so when they make time for you in particular, something must be going on. He might just have the hots for you.

If he is extraordinarily nice to you and he doesn’t expect anything in return, make your move! These types of men aren’t very outwardly emotional, so they probably won’t tell you how they feel right off the bat. You’ll have to drag it out of him, and even then, it might not work. As long as he’s caring for you, your odds are favorable.

The Aquarius man will take steps to make you feel wanted or cared for such as sending you gifts, sending a heartfelt text message, or calling more often than he normally would with anyone else.

He may want to pull your chair out, order for you, or give you flowers when you two go out to eat. He will be fairly sweet because he wants you to know he’s interested in getting to know you. When an Aquarius man shows a caring personality, this is one of the signs an Aquarius man likes you.

Aquarius men have one of the most specific love languages of all zodiac signs. I have covered his entire astrology love profile in my Aquarius Love Language guide. I suggest you get your copy if you really want to master his love language and finally connect with him in the right way.

2. He Enjoyes One-On-One Time

signs an aquarius man secretly likes you

Aquarius men are some of the most social people in the world and for them to want to hang out with just one person must mean that this one person is particularly special. While you’re having your one-on-one time, do something fun and exciting.

Don’t expect to jump right into a passion-filled boat of romance just because he’s showing interest in you. Aquarius men like to keep things open and be easy-going, so start out as friends, and you’ll eventually get to the romance part of your relationship.

When an Aquarius man has a crush on you, give him something back. They are notorious thinkers, and if you don’t react, or don’t react well, he’ll think he did something wrong, and the nice gestures will most likely stop.

Go out with him and have fun; this way you’ll get close without getting too close, and that’s exactly what he wants at the beginning of a relationship. This is one of the best signs that an Aquarius man likes you.

Alone time is exactly the right way to get to know each other and build something really special for the future. Take your time and enjoy your Aquarius man.

3. He Chats You Up

Don’t be surprised when an Aquarius man talks for hours on end; they can talk about nothing until their lips fall off, but they always enjoy sharing their opinions.  It’s when they start talking to you about meaningful stuff that matters.

Their deepest thoughts are for their mind only, but if they care about you and want to get close to you, they will share their innermost thoughts with you. This puts everything on the line in their eyes.

All they’re thinking is what will happen if they share these things with you and you just brush it off, or even worse, what if you don’t care about what they have to think or say. They’re putting their trust in your hands, so react wisely.

Talking to you and sharing great conversation is how an Aquarius man acts when he likes you. Enjoy his intellect and great topics. You, of course, should always show him your witty intellect as well. He’ll appreciate it greatly.  He might even start calling you every day.

Tell him about yourself, tell him about your life, and things that are important to you. You can share your values and interests to help him get to know who you are and it will help determine if the Aquarius man digs you.

Related: 11 Questions To Ask An Aquarius Man To Spark His Interest

4. He Starts Asking You Personal Questions

how do you know if an aquarius man likes you more than a friend

When he starts asking you personal questions or questions that will let him see who you really are, that’s when you know he’s really into you. Aquarians love to gain knowledge about the people they’re surrounded by, but if he asks these questions while it’s just you two in a room, you know he’s smitten.

Be prepared to answer anything that comes out of his mouth, though. If he wants to get to know you, you need your best answers ready for him so you two can eventually have a relationship based on the truth.

A little mystery is never a bad thing, especially when dealing with an Aquarius. Aquarius men will sit and ponder for hours trying to think of the answers to the questions you evaded.

This is an indicator of how much he wants you. If he’s willing to go to you personally and ask you, you have to understand that he wants your attention.

While you want to tell him important things, you should hold back a little bit about yourself. Give him just tidbits of things so that you’ll have more to discuss next time you talk or are together. It gives him something to think about and look forward to next time. Remember that this is just one of the other signs that an Aquarius man likes you.

5. When An Aquarius Man Trusts You

Trust can be hard for Aquarius men. They tend to keep to themselves and not share much with others. If they let you in, that means you matter to them. Letting him into your personal life can be overbearing, but don’t wait for him to tell you all his secrets first.

Doing this can result in him feeling like he’s being used, and nobody likes that feeling. Give and take are very important in any relationship and even more so when a relationship involves an Aquarius. Pushing him even when you don’t mean to can lead to something ugly going down, so know your boundaries before you share absolutely everything with each other.

Romance isn’t something most Aquarius men do, but when they decide to try it out, it rarely goes wrong. Get to know each other and be happy. That’s all any Aquarius can ask for.

6. You Make Him Feel Curious About You

An Aquarius is an air sign; let’s begin there. What does that mean? Well, he’s social, intelligent, and loves to learn! Networking is kind of his thing. He is great at small talk and he doesn’t subscribe to the idea of ‘stranger danger.’

So, it’s safe to say that he’ll be talking to you, no matter what. But what will begin to make his intentions clear to you is how curious he becomes about you and your life. If his interest progresses past titillating small talk then you should start wondering if he is crushing on you!

Aquarians are usually asking people questions about who they know or what they think. But if he’s asking you questions about how you feel then you’ve hit paydirt! He’s now invested in your emotional life and how you operate on the inside where others can’t see.

Once you notice that he’s taken an interest in your personal well-being and picks you out of a crowd to talk to, then you can rest assured that he’s interested, whether he knows it yet or not.

7. When An Aquarius Plays Hot And Cold

Aquarians get just a little scared when the prospect of real love is on the horizon for them. Intimacy with a single person is a foreign subject to them and so they may retreat to the security they find in distance. You can feel the Aquarius backing off at a certain point on your way to romance, and this is normal.

The key is to not freak out and follow close behind when you believe they’re leaving. They won’t leave a friend forever, and odds are he considers you to be one. The thing that you have to remember is that he’s not comfortable with intimate relationships. He’s a crowd-pleaser more than anything and he doubts his ability to be enough for one person.

My advice during this part of the Aquarian encounter is to simply wait and be on his terms. When he realizes that you aren’t going anywhere, then you will find him coming back eventually. This can be an occurrence that happens a lot with the Aquarius. His fear of intimacy can be paralyzing for him, but he will likely come back and work on progressing with you.

Here’s more about an Aquarius man being hot and cold all of a sudden <<

8. He Opens Up Emotionally

Now, this point is a serious indicator that he wants to be more than friends with you! This is because the Aquarius is friendly, yet very private at the same time. He’s an open book and yet he holds back part of himself from the average person. This is why he is so personable to such a wide variety of people. Very few people see his whole self.

When he begins to let you in on a true, soul-level then you will begin to see parts of him that you were totally unaware were there prior. That’s the magic of an Aquarius falling in love with you. Bit by bit, you see his real self come out to play with you.

When evaluating if an Aquarius likes you, talk to other people who know him and drop tidbits (that aren’t private details) about him and see if others know about this piece of information. If they were totally oblivious but he told you about it, that’s a sign that he’s very comfortable with letting you dip beneath his exterior self.

Learn here how to get an Aquarius man to open up and share his true feelings <<

9. He Texts And Calls You Everyday

When an Aquarius man calls you everyday, you should definitely be happy because this is a definite sign he likes you. You have clearly left quite an impression on him and he wants to get closer to you.

It takes quite a lot for an Aquarius man to make a first move. So having him text or calls you first is a really fantastic sign that he simply can’t get you off of his mind. Don’t hide those giddy feelings, because I know how exhilarating it feels when an Aquarius man finds you to be special.

So, if an Aquarius man calls you everyday, you can with certainty know that you fit the bill and he is very into you.

How To Know If An Aquarius Man Likes You More Than Just A Friend

For some or other reason, Aquarius men just love to blow hot and cold, especially when he feels a true connection with a woman. This can be totally infuriating; you never know if he is coming or going.

Many women just give up and accept that the Aquarius man probably isn’t that interested because why would he be messing with your emotions like this? The truth is, he might just be really scared of experiencing true intimacy.

Many Aquarian men find it easier to relate to a woman on a friendship level over a romantic level because understanding emotions don’t come too easily to him. This is why an Aquarius man will often put you in the friend zone, even if he has deeper feelings than what he is letting on.

It’s not an exact science but sometimes the Aquarius man blows hot and cold leaving a woman totally confused. There are things you can do and signs to look out for. Keep your eyes open for red flags and make sure you’re not ignoring your gut instincts.

If you can tell an Aquarius man really likes you but is confused about his feeling, then he may just be dragging his feet. Give him your time and patience as things can surely heal and press forward when the time is right. When you can tell how an Aquarius man acts when he likes you then trust that.

Just remember to always be patient and take your time. There is no real need to hurry. Sometimes the best relationships with Aquarius men come from taking it nice and easy.

How An Aquarius Man Acts When He Likes You?

An Aquarius struggles to find a way to communicate deeply with just one person and so it can be really funny to watch one attempt to connect regularly with someone he likes. He may not know what you’d like to see out of him, so he might fumble!

He might stumble over his words while trying to express his love for you. He may have to try several times just to hold your hand! This is part of the Aquarian charm in relationships. You can see how badly he’d like to progress the relationship to the next level but he’s unsure of how to.

If he’s acting awkward and shy around you when he’s normally outgoing and charming, then you can bet he’s got a thing for you!

He may not know how to portray his feelings for you well, but this won’t stop him. He’s an honest and authentic guy who is going to want to display his love for you. Emotions are hard for him though! Have some patience as he navigates the world of romance.

Read next: Clear Signs An Aquarius Man Just Wants To Be Friends

Why Most Dating Advice Can Be Dangerous With An Aquarius Man?

Over the years, I’ve had a lot of my clients send me advice they got from dating coaches. They wanted to know if it would work with their Aquarius man. And I literally wanted to scream with frustration.


Because most dating advice definitely will NOT work if you use it with an Aquarius. You see, Aquarius men are VERY different than men of other signs.

And if you use standard dating advice with an Aquarius, it can backfire. He might disappear forever and you’ll never hear from him again.

I don’t want that to happen to you.

Especially when it is SO easy to draw him to you and get him to connect deeply with your heart.

You just need to know the specific phrases to tell him…

So he’ll NEVER want to lose you. He’ll be wrapped around your finger… And it won’t take him long to put a ring on that finger either.

>> These phrases are the EXACT thing you need to turn everything around with him.

So… for heaven’s sake… DON’T listen to normal dating coaches!

They give out the same advice for ALL men… which is absolutely insane.

Because your wonderful Gemini is NOT like other men… at ALL.

So go here now and find out the specific things your Aquarius man needs to hear to melt his heart.

Wishing you all the love in the world,

Your sister and relationship Astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

62 thoughts on “9 Clear Signs An Aquarius Man (Secretly) Likes You

  1. My hubby is Aquarius and I’m pisces n we make thee most power full couple ever we have 2boys which is a Tauris n Scorpio bt we love thm 2bits n love each other jst so mch n we have been 2gther for 10 years nw n married for 9 years bt wat ur book said bout Aquarius is true its all on point

    1. Im a pisces dating a aquarius man he is very difficult to understand we been going string for a year but wont open up be has told me he loved me once n never said it again i just dont get on min we are close then turn around he is a cold hearted person

      1. I am in a similar situation only I’ve been dating this man off and on for 7 years. He has told me he loves me once and never again, as he has gotten older he has mature a lot and respects me more. We were teenagers when we met.

    2. I recently met aquarian man, I’m pisces..first month moved so fast, great chat, flirty and talked for hours on phone and now I feel hes went cold tho I havent pressured him…maybe I was just a wee pastime for him….I miss the way it was at the beginning….

      1. Hi Helen!

        Tell him you miss it that way honey. Tell him you’d like to open up the box and try again to see what you two can develop. Romance him! It’s still possible. Perhaps you should learn more about this mysterious sign before you move forward though. You might want to check out my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more information.

        1. I work with him. He is my boss. I am married and 79 born. He is married 83 born. He said he likes me. Saw all the signs you have posted in your post for Aquarius man in love.
          I am Taurus. I don’t know what to do with him. I am talking but not indulging in so much cause I am afraid that I might go crazy after him. He is Hot and cold. Someday he is flirting a lot in jabber and complements. Next day he doesn’t even look at my face.
          What should I do

          1. Hi Vaniii!

            I don’t know if there is anything you CAN do with him if you are both married to other people. Unless you are both aiming to get out of your marriage then the only thing that could happen between you is sex or friendship. I would never recommend such things. I think staying friends with him until things become more clear is what you should do. Unless you two want to be together and change your lives then there is nothing for you to do. If he gives you an indication otherwise well then, that could change things. You should check out my books about Aquarius Man Secrets as it could give you more information on the type of guy Aquarius man is. I wish you all the best!

  2. I will never touch a psycho aquarius man not with a ten foot pole.

    I dated an aqua man, did not think we were good match so cut it short after just few dates, he got angry. Four years later he calls and begs for second chance. He came on so strong he overwhelmed me, showered me in dinners, gifts and pressured me super hard to move in after only two months.

    I was dumb and followed his lead. As soon as I was under his roof, he came home in nasty moods, questioned me rudely and one day when we were cleaning up his house just said “I dont think this is going to work”. He wouldnt talk or work through the problem and grab some booze and just ran away.

    Aquarius tend to have mental problems. The men are little babies at heart who gossip about others & act cold to hide their emotions. All they care about is money, brag and hide in their job.

    This aquarius was hoarding, trash, old worn out objects, junk appliances and we had started cleaning it all out. He had drove two full truck loads of garbage away before he just freaked out from being seperated from the junk and trash he was used to.

    I was horrified I had moved out of my home, sold my furniture & trusted this fool who was throwing in the towel at our first disagreement. I had only moved clothes and cosmetics in with him so gathered my things and ended up leaving within 2 hours because I realized quickly there is no living with a hoarder not to mention his younger roomate he said he would have move out then didnt. Plus 3 dogs.

    Horrible guy, I had to go live with a friend and it strained the friendship. I was a basket case after what he put me through. I cleaned his pig stye house until I was weary as hell and then had heavy emotional grief to deal with.

    It took me a whole year to regain my life to a reasonable degree. I am scared to trust anyone now.


    1. I have known my aquarius since the 7th grade I’m older by 2 years 41 to his Soon To be 39 we lost contact for 20 plus years well we meet again and I tell him he still owes me a kiss and boy he gave it to me let’s just say Im pregnant and now he is closed off but I can tell he is excited to be having a baby his first but he no longer calls or responds like Im mean nothing to him we went from wild great sex and perfection to not a damn thing but pregnant and sad missing buddy

  3. Cannot go based solely on a person’s sun sign..your moon sign is your inner self and you have your rising and different specific houses as well to each individual person

  4. I enjoyed this insight and the clean yet caring style it’s written in. I’m in accord with the above comments about moon sign & ascendant ( as well as the rest of the chart) being important indicators of character. Sun signs are important but only go so far.

    And heavens yes, slow down and observe before moving in w some one 🙂

  5. I am a Gemini/Cancer and my Aquarius man and i clicked right away. We talk on phone, text msg and have a wonderful time when we are together. He always does things from his heart and supports me 100% on all I do.

  6. I m a gemini definitely crushing on an aquarius long distance but not in any hurry for anything really. Our flirtationship is so beautiful even without romance or unnecesarry emotions. We re both intellectual and he introduced me to a realm of gaming that has become a virtual one-on-one hangout. We talk via phonecall and text a lot and he s always ready to help me solve problems and answer questions. He taught me the value of not being a petty person and i m discovering ( 11 months into our friendship) that unemotional does not equal emotionless. Many ppl would find aquarius an annoying smartypants but he makes me quite happy as well as more intelligent. Thanks to this blog for the helpful insights that seem to have helped me comprehend and appreciate this personality

  7. I have been with an aquarius for three weeks. He came on gang busters wanted a commited relationship immediately. I made the mistake of having sex with him the first date he said don’t get mad but I have to go. We have texted almost every day. He calls me on his way back to his house from work. He always has sweet emojis with his texts. Addresses me with my love, honey, or sunshine. The problem is his mother is 93 and he lives with her. I just moved here and live with my sister temporarily. He wants me to get an apartment, I don’t want to be a booty call for him. He contacted me my problem with this is I am 19 years older than him.He is not some young kid he is 57 but never been married. I do like him but don’t know where he thinks this is going. He says age doesn’t matter but it will in a few more years. I don’t look my age now but who knows what the future will bring.

    1. Hi Sharon!

      Alright so avoid any weird awkward situations, you need to be honest with him sweetheart. Tell him exactly what you feel and what you want so there is no confusion. Ask him how he feels and where he sees things headed. Get on the same page so that you know what you will do next. Don’t be afraid to ask him. He’ll tell you!

  8. The biggest challenge I’m facing with the Aquarius man in my live is most part the ‘hot and cold’ stuff. This is going on for little over a year now. There are some things in our situation that make it very difficult for both of us, one of them is an age difference (me being older). I just know he has the same feelings about me as I do about him, although he doesn’t tell me. I see it in his eyes.
    Although when we shared an evening, after that he will go cold and there is absolutely no contact for a while. In the beginning it could get to a month or so without contact, where as for now it’s maximum for 2 weeks. In the beginning I tried to stay in contact with him. Then about a month ago I told him the truth about what I was feeling, and he turned me down. He told me that he don’t want to be in a relationship and if my feelings where that strong he couldn’t go on with it anymore.
    I accepted it and from that moment on I decided to go in no contact. I wasn’t angry with him, just thought ok, when there really is something and I didn’t misjudged what I was seeing, then he wil make contact again.
    And he did, 2 weeks after our last conversation. And again, yesterday when he was over at my place where we were watching a movie together and he stayed for the night. We were laying in each other’s arms in bed, but that was all. I had to go to work early this morning and that’s when he left. And yet again, haven’t heard from him since.
    So is it wise for me to still invest in him and a friendship/relationship or am I better off letting him go?
    He is very stubborn and only every once in a while he will open up emotionally.

    1. Hi Capricorn!

      It sounds like he likes you but is in no hurry to find a title for it or to bring emotion into it. Aquarius isn’t the best with emotions. I would go with the flow and see where it goes. That’s the way Aquarius likes it anyway. He’s in no hurry. Take your time! You might want to check out my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more information.

  9. I’ve been on a few dates with my Aquarius man and I’m a Capricorn woman in the past 4mos. We’ve known each other for a few years casually as we work for the same company, but in different areas. Mutual friends have told me that he wants to take it slow since we work for the same company. There are times when he initiated the conversation, but majority of the time I’m initiating the conversation or setting up the next date. From some of the stuff that I’ve read of yours it seems he’s a hot & cold Aquarius. I’m trying to be patient, but don’t know if I’m just wasting my time?

    1. Hi Susan!

      If you’re already setting up conversation and dates then I’d say he does like you. It may seem frustrating but Aquarius is not in any real hurry to dive into a relationship and is more cautious when you work together. He has a reputation to keep in place and doesn’t want a relationship to potentially get in the way or ruin him. He has fears and only time will help him get past those fears. Take it easy but do let him know you’d like it if he initiated a bit more. Take your time! You might want to check out my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more information.

  10. I work at the same company where Mr. Aquarious works. We take our lunch hour about the same time with a couple of other people. He is definitely a talker; however, he talks more to them. I listen, and maybe try to say something. I find it a challenge to be part of the conversation, and even try to ask a couple of general questions he can very easily answer.

    1. Hi Miss Anonymous!

      Alright so what you need to do is research. Listen to the things they talk to so that when you do go out with them, you can jump into the conversation with input of your own. You can look up the things they discuss so that you actually are knowledgeable about it. Aquarius guy will be impressed with your intelligence and desire to talk. Take your time! You might want to check out my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more information.

  11. My Aquarius guy is accustomed to calling me nearly everyday but suddenly this has stopped. I do not believe that I have done anything wrong but it has me wondering. There is this Corona Virus in the country and he called me and told me no contact, no contact and that was the last I heard from him. That was Monday 16th March, 2020. You cannot get the virus through a phone call or text, so what is the problem?
    What do you think?

    1. Hi Valantine!

      That sounds very odd honey. He could be very busy or he may be going somewhere where he has no signal on his phone? I’m not sure what to tell you about that. It sounds very odd but I’m sure with time, he’ll let you know what was going. I think I’d ask him why no contact to see if he answers. If he doesn’t then you’ll just have to wait it out. Take your time! You might want to check out my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more information.

  12. Hi, I met this acquarius man during my work ( we work in the same field ) we spent lots of time together talking about everything , and we both felt like talking with a friend as we felt comfortable. He is really caring and I like the fact that he always use we instead of you. We met an other time and it was really nice he bought me some stuff that he knew I liked and I did the same , and he was really interested to know me more . The only thing is that at the beginning he was warmer by text but now he texts me less and he is not so warm.. but I feel like he still cares of me. I hope the next time we will be able to see each other I could understand more

    1. Hi Anna!

      It definitely takes time to get to know an Aquarius man. Try not to tell him too much about yourself though. He needs a mysterious woman that he can try to figure out. They love that sort of thing. Take your time and don’t pressure him. He’ll come around when he feels comfortable. Take your time! You might want to check out my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more information.

      1. Is it possible to get a physical copy of your Aquarius Man Secrets book? I am an old-fashioned reader and I need to read physical books.

  13. Ich als Löwe passe sehr gut zu meinem Wassermann. Derzeit ist es eine schwierige Phase, da die Beziehung rein sexuell ist und unverbindlich. Ich möchte die Beziehung aus dieser Schublade rausbringen.

    1. Hi Cornelia!

      I do not speak German but fortunately I know enough to read your question. You’re a Leo with an Aquarius but the relationship has become purely sexual? Darling you must tell him you want more than just sex and see what he says. Either he’s just in it for the sex or he’ll actually want the relationship too but if you don’t put your foot down and tell him that, he’s going to expect more of the same and it will never change. Take charge! You might want to check out my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more information.

  14. Capricorn lady
    I’ve been talking to a Aquarius man though texting and phoning for about 5 weeks now was suppose to meant up but I cancelled our texting as been very on and off as he read something wrong way so stop texting but we sorted that out then I went cold on him just before the virus thing started but I text him to ask if he was ok as o so like him we have been texting every day since but wow his a strange one he can be watching a film so I ask about it and nothing to me it’s weird coz I’ll have my phone in my lap I can still watch tv and text lol I asked him the other day why he doesn’t really open up and he said he doesn’t trust anybody but doesn’t intentionally do it it’s just the way he is I can tell he is insecure about himself as I have had a lot of therapy about myself so I know the signs his very up and down and I’m just not sure I like this as I’m very open and very on the line and I’m not sure this is good for me please help thank you

    1. Hi Teresa!

      Well if you can see the issues he has and you don’t know if it’s good for you then that’s a sign isn’t it? That may be your intuition telling you it’s not the right relationship for you darling. Though you might want to know more about Aquarius before you decide. You might want to check out my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more information.

  15. Hi Anna, I met this man just 2 months ago. And the worst part is that we are in a distant relationship. Our meeting was just an acquaintance. After that he approached and we started talking to each other. Suddenly he has stopped calling, Stopped sending messages. And replies to my messages very often and that too a very limited reply. Cant figure out what is there in his mind. Pls help.

    1. Hi Nidhi!

      Well since the communication was at distance, he must have met someone or is very busy. He may have also lost interest. There is no real way to know what is going on with him without asking. If you really want to know then reach out to him and tell him you’re thinking him and wondering why he hasn’t been talking lately. He should answer you. You might want to check out my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more information.

  16. Dealing so much with an Aquarius Hot and Cold. We are Amazing friends and we flirt endlessly. We are more friends overall, but I crush him hard. How do I maneuver this situation because when I feel I’m finally over his confusing signals and move on he smoothly comes back around as if hello nothing has happened like he didn’t just disappear & ghosted me yet, he manages to put a smile on my face & I forget it all!!! He is such an Aquarius Men.

    1. Hi Lidia!

      Haha yes, he sounds pretty typical. Welp, the only way you’re going to get through this is to flat out ask him what he wants or you’re moving on. Tell him so that he knows he could lose you if he doesn’t pick up the slack. You have every right to know what he has on his mind so that you can either keep investing or let go. Don’t try to wait and guess what he may be doing or thinking. Ask! You might want to check out my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more information.

  17. Good morning.
    First, Thank you so much for sharing your blog! I have read a few other pages [okay more than a few] on the Aquarius man and yours captured my attention, as well as inspired me the most.
    I am an Aries woman w/ ASC.- Scorpio and my Bestie is an Aquarius also w/ ASC.-Scorpio. We have known each other for over 12 years with a platonic relationship only. We were not super close in the early years and we drifted apart for a while. I think we would have stayed closer if he wasn’t 15 years older than me. He is 45yo and I am 31yo. Moving forward, we rekindled our friendship in January. of this year and have been in touch every day since then. Our relationship is extremely supportive, fun, sexy, & genuine with one another. It moved very quickly and yes, we took things to another level, not even a month later. However, He is in a committed relationship of 6 years and I have been married for 6 years. Aqua and I are both in a stagnant place with significant others. So times are very confusing for both of us at home but Not once has it been hot and cold with our relationship.
    –Until I sent him a picture of me by mistake that wasn’t intended to go to him and told him that and apologized. I got no response for quite some time. When he came back around I could tell he was hurt. I apologized again and he played it off like it was okay, even though in my gut I know its not..

    and it got me thinking after reading the Trust section in your blog specifically, knowing Boundaries before you share everything and………… What does this mean??
    What boundaries specifically should be discussed?? Do I leave it be or bring it up again to him??

    Any help or insight, any feedback, anything is greatly appreciated !!

    A Huge Thank you to anyone that reads this novel of mine too!! lol

    Best Wishes to All <3

    1. Hi pbcup!

      Thank you for writing in. I’m so happy to hear that my writing has helped you! In your case, I think boundaries would be your current situations on both sides. You clearly are with mates whom you’re not happy with but until either of you are free, you can’t really have much. Commitment cannot happen unless you both get free and try a fresh start with each other. So the boundaries could actually prevent you from moving forward. You two need to discuss if you’re ever going to be free so that you can be together or if you should just be friends. Lots has to be done! You might want to check out my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more information.

  18. I have a problem,need some help…I think my guy aqua best friend like me, the same as all of the signs above, but I’m so confused with him he keeps on telling me I only like you as a friend nothing more, and I told him…then why did u have to spend time with me and flirt?!? Sometimes his hot other times his cold… My birthday is August 31,1985

    And his birthday is Feb 9, 1994

    Please any advice and help…

    1. Wow I am in the same situation as you, my birthday is 8/19/1974 and his is 2/7/1985. They like older women huh…lol

      1. Hi Cori!

        Same goes for you honey. You need to be patient and see how things go but give it a time limit. You cannot do this forever nor would you want to. Take your time and let him come around to you. If the time comes when you’re really ready, he has to tell you if he will commit or if you should just move on. You’re in charge of your own life. Keep it that way! You might want to check out my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more information.

    2. Hi Sharlyn!

      It sounds like he’s been hurt before and is afraid to commit. It’s going to take him time between you two. Just go slowly and don’t try to rush him into a title of what you two are. Keep going with the flow. If you need to give yourself a time limit, you can do that. Write a date down on your calendar of when you will move on if he doesn’t pick up the pace. When that time comes, ask him if he’s ready and if he says no, you can move forward knowing you gave it your all. You might want to check out my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more information.

  19. Hi, my name is Tejal. And I had really good relationship with Aquarius man for year and a half. Last month he broke up with me and the reason he gave me is I was too clingy and needy. I know this words couse ive read ur other stuff. I’ve done everything that he ask for like whoever he doesnt like me to talk to them I have left those friends for him, I’ve moved in different job but he said I dont want u to go really far away from me so I’ve left that job as well. But majore things I’ve done for both of us is that I’ve done operation for not to have kids. And we both decided that I will do that. After few months later I went back home for wedding and he proposed my best friend but she didn’t said a word to me. Just last month I’ve found out that he ask my friend out. Got hurt so much but still I wanted to keep this relationship. Some time later ive asked him that y he’s not giving me more time rhe way he used to and his ans was wen I get chance I will talk to u and if I dont then I won’t but I said wat aout me ? He doesnt have ans for it. Now its been over a month that he broke up with me. And after broke up for 3 weeks he blocked me everywhere but after that he has unblocked me and looking at all my status and giving me feed back as well. Like we went for some food at one place so many times and we had really good time. So ive put those food pics on and he has started asking me questions y u putting those pics, y thi n y that and I said y u looking at my status and if u r looking that watever I put it shoildnt be bothering u couse u broke up with me. So now watever ive put on my status he have to say something and start talking to me. So now I have tried to get away from him but can’t. I want him back so badly. I just dont know how to get him back. He did promise for weddings and honeymoon and we’ll go back home and see both family and everything. He gave me money to buy ring as well n I bought it. Now wen I say u r my fiancee then he will say fiancee my ass. He’s hurting me so much nowadays not physically but mentally. And I can’t go away from him. I have to get him back. Wat I dont understand that if he has broke up with me then y he is still in contact with me?. Pls Anna, give me some words that I say in his ear n he come back to me. I said to him I will do anything to keep him happy.

    1. Hi Tejal!

      Oh my gosh. Ok honey. You need to tell him to crap or get off the pot. Tell him you are not a toy. You are a woman with feelings and if he cannot commit and give you the love you deserve then you will move on and find someone who will give you exactly that. Know your worth and accept nothing less! You might want to check out my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more information.

  20. HEllo
    I am Aquarius too, but and my bf at the same time, i dont understand why i couldnt understand my bf, he wants space, he feels like he was smothered, i broke up with him 3 weeks ago due to less important i am feeling, i am jealous of his friend that he care most more than me, then i send him sorry messaged after last week. i never expect to get back together though.
    then after the sorry message, he send message every day, i was confused, i reply sometimes and sometimes did not, 2 days ago he said he still love me. then after that he didnt txt me again . so confusing, what should i do?

    1. Hi Sharon!

      Aquarius men want more free time than Aquarius women. So yes, if he feels you weren’t giving that to him then he would feel smothered. He has to have time to be alone, out with friends, or doing his own thing or he will go crazy. If he seems like he loves his friend more it’s because he’s trying to spend less time with you due to feeling overwhelmed. Try giving him some space. Do your own thing and don’t be so available to him. He will start to chase you and want you again. Try it. You might want to check out my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more information.

      1. I recently met an Aquarius man that changed everything I thought i wanted. We have known each other for about 6 months now. There is about 5 hours distance between us, which is probably my biggest challenge. We do meet up quite frequently.. He is very much the typical Aquarius but I didnt know that til the past week or so. I used to get so upset because he would text things like “I’m not going anywhere” or “I’m very happy with what I have” and then he would seem to forget about me and go a couple days without even responding to my text. Then I started reading about the Aquarius man and found out this is typical from them. I want to keep this man’s attention. I have never in my life meet anyone like him! Im quite the opposite though. I want to hear he is thinking about me. I want to know where I stand with him after 6 months of knowing each other but I’m afraid that if I push he will turn away from progress we have already made.

        1. Hi Jennifer Riggs!

          Yes, his actions are very typical. Keep his attention by talking about exciting adventures you’ve been on or want to go on. Suggest to him that you two should go on a getaway together. Talk about things that stimulate his mind. When you do that, it keeps his interest. If you aren’t sure where you stand with him, ask him. He will tell you if you ask. Tell him you’re not pushing but you’d like to know where he sees things currently. He should give you some clarity. If you would like to know more about Aquarius man, check out my book “Aquarius Man Secrets”.

  21. My Aquarius Man and I have been dating with no commitment for almost a year. We are taking it very slow, which is ok with me. I think he really cares for me, but true to an Aquarius he doesn’t talk about his feelings. We have an extra obstacle though, he is Portuguese, and just started learning English 6 years ago. He does pretty good one on one, but in a crowd it is hard for him to keep up with the conversation. I don’t know any Portuguese, I am trying to learn it. He is very difficult to read, and the language barrier doesn’t help. How do I truly know if he is worth my time and commitment, or if he is just in it for sex? What are signs I should watch for?

    1. Hi Karen!

      There are apps you can download on your phone that can help with translation if you haven’t already gotten one. It helps a great deal to bridge gaps when it comes to language barriers. Give it a shot. It just might be what you need. Also if you’d like to know more about Aquarius, please check out my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” as it may provide more clues for you.

      1. I have an Aquarius man in my life, technically a Capricorn/Aquarius cusp. I knew this man in high school, I just turn 50 in November and he well be 51 on the 22nd. I am a fixed Scorpio with a cancer moon sign and a Leo rising sign so I myself am an enigma constable pulled in different directions by two water signs and a fire sign. This man was and I guess still is very outgoing and sociable. He never take noticed me in high school but 10 years ago we became Facebook friends, he was married but I was not after any kind of romantic relationship with him just a friend as we any to a small two A high school we all know each other so we are all friends on Facebook. We have posted on each other’s posts over the years and many times on political pay as we are on opposite sides of politics but we both found that we tally liked debating with each other and eye able to listen to what the other had to say with respect. During these posts I always felt like he might be flirting with me but he was married so I just let it go. Well he got divorced a few years ago and almost as soon as he did jumped into a relationship with a classmate of mine and I thought oh well good for them. After a year that ended and I looked him up a couple of months later and he was in another relationship so I thought well he was never rally that interested in me and just went in with my normal single boring life. We still comments in each other’s posy from time to time and there was always still this underlying flirty feel to the conversations but I never pursued it. Well last November on my 50th birthday on November 16th I posted pics of me at 50. He made a comment and goaded me with a political comment knowing I would rise to the bait and I did and it went back and forth fire about four replies. I said to myself that’s it in going to fund out if he is interested or not and messaged him. I naively called him out and told him to put his money where his mouth was and boy did I ever get a surprise!!! He was into me alright or he wanted badly to be into me like meet me that night. I put him off until the next night and he was okay with that and even sent ne his home address to come see him. Well he had a roommate that has friends over so he got us a hotel room instead at the local Sheraton (I had no idea how much that actually was until later). I meet him there and we talked for hours about politics and world issues then we had sex for a couple of hours. It was a great confection and I honestly didn’t expect anything elder to come out of it, but he continued to text me almost every day, all throughout the day. This went on for 10 days before I insisted that we get together again to which he agreed. I met up with him letter than we planned because his business ran a bit late. I met him at a bar and grill we had a few drinks a little conversation and great eye contract and flirting and then he asked if I was ready to go back to his place. We had already discussed doing that and my possibly spending the night especially after I had been drinking. We for back to his house talked for about 20 more minutes and then had amazing sex twice, cuddled in between talked about out pasts, told each other things we don’t tell most people and had a great time. Wrote up the next morning had great sex again then he made me breakfast and we talked again. Then I left because I had to go to work. After that I was confused on what we were doing so I sent a book text, as you can see I’m a wordy person, asking him exactly what it was and telling him why I was asking and that being so open with him scared me but I don’t want to think the wrong things that if he washed to end things I would be a little disappointed but I would be okay. He texts back that I was a great communicator and he wished everyone could be as open that he was not looking for a serious relationship for a while but that he wanted to keep talking to me and getting together when it was covienient for both of us. A couple of more weeks go by less texting from him and I waged to see him again before Christmas. So being the water sign I am with a moon water sign I got needy and demanding abbot seeing him again to find a way to make time for me if even just a few hours. Then he ghosted me for days so I stopped texting him. I felt like well I’m done with this he isn’t into this. Problem is we have history so two days after Christmas I sent him a text asking about singeing he and I talked about him dating to his brother at Christmas should I see him. I don’t expect him to reply it was more for me than him just to get it out of my system. He did reply and this was it
        Hey. Yes I ghosted you. Admit it 100%. You’re very smart. And because of that you are very intense and write a lot. Like a whole lot. Not saying it’s a bad thing cause you always have something to say. But you got a little aggressive when I didn’t respond quick enough. But then I remember you haven’t dated in a while. So my bad. I hope you had a Merry Christmas
        Well we started back texting again and I told him that I was dung to limit myself to only testing him twice a day unless he was actively responding and expecting a response. It went great for a while, we really like sexting each other but then my needs took over again. I just really wanted my physical needs met more than seeing him but I got needy and even begged him to carved out some time with me. I know big mistake, turns out he was/is working on taking his company to the next level by offering franchises and is really busy with that but he didn’t tell me that. So he shut me down again and I just went back to a couple of texts and he replied with short texts that is until we get to sexting and then he can write a paragraph of really really great stuff. Just this past Sunday we spent the late afternoon texting and sexting then I think I went too far. I think I can see now when I have gone too far for him because if I send two texts and he still doesn’t reply then u just drop it. I thought I went to far and then he sent this to me on Monday.
        Damn you’re persistent lol. And I’m not dodging you at all. I’ve had little to no time for anything else besides getting this thing launched. It’ll ease up in a few weeks though. But that’s too long to wait.
        Not sure what that means but what I do know is he runs got and cold more than any other PERSON I have known and for me with my signs that is not only confusing but I also get hurt by it even though I know I shouldn’t.
        I just don’t know if he is seriously interested or not and if I should continue to put fourth the effort or just let this die. We have great conversations when we do see each other, we have great sex because I’m a Scorpio and well we love our sex kinky and all and we both seen to want just a friendship with benefits. I’m just used to my friends being more communicative, they are cancer and Libra. So is he into me and I being the water sign I am, am just to into him??? I really don’t know where to go with this thing because it is not like the Sagittarius or Ares or Leo it Gemini I have dated even they were easier to figure out.

        Thanks in advance for any input!!!

        1. Hi Sooz-E

          Honestly it sounds like he he likes you but if you’re being friends with benefits then you cannot expect him to talk more to you. It’s supposed to be no strings attached and that’s how it works in his mind. The other thing is, if you really want to know something, ask him. Aquarius is one to not say anything unless someone asks. Ask him whatever you want to even if it’s “do you even dig me? You don’t talk to me as much as I’d like”. He should tell you the truth in response. Wishing you all the best!

  22. Well here goes…I wasn’t sure if you were still answering any messages on this topic but I could really use your help. I know for a fact that I’m in love with this Aquarius I’ve been talking to for about 4 months now. I’m an Aquarius too and our instant connection from the first time we hung out just clicked. I don’t know how to describe it but I just knew I wanted to be with him and bit by bit I started cutting loose other men I was interested in for him. However….I can’t tell for the life of me if he even feels the same way. We’re still fresh in our dating experience and never went on any dates just mostly hang out in his room (we go to the same college) and text on a daily basis. I don’t want to ask him how he feels cause I can sense he might be a bit depressive since he’s suffered a lot of deaths and trauma in his family this past year. But I also don’t know how to be vulnerable with him myself. I sent him an “I miss you” text a few days back and he’s replied and we’ve been speaking ever since. I can sense his interest but…I’m unable to fully decipher if he truly does. Namely because he constantly makes time (as of late) to hang out with his friends and I have yet to see him since I’ve returned to campus which bugs me…Our chemistry is out of this world by text and in person. We’ve in slept together once 2 months back and I guess I’m just wondering if he does even like me…or if he’s stringing me along for sex…or what?

  23. I work with him. He is my boss. I am married and 79 born. He is married 83 born. He said he likes me. Saw all the signs you have posted in your post for Aquarius man in love.
    I am Taurus. I don’t know what to do with him. I am talking but not indulging in so much cause I am afraid that I might go crazy after him. He is Hot and cold. Someday he is flirting a lot in jabber and complements. Next day he doesn’t even look at my face.
    What should I do

  24. I’m an Aries with Aquarius moon (March). I have a coworker that’s Aquarius (Feb). He mimics me he is hot and co!d (more warm lately). Gets mad when I dont say hello.Tilts his head towards me, stands tall, points his feet towards me. Has the biggest smile when I don’t see him for a few days. I don’t have his # he never asked for it. But he dose make it a priority to say hello every shift or see me. He gets jealous if others talk to me specially men. I’m a natural giver I’m also a empath. I have a tendency to attract narcissistic men. But recently he has been coming around more. Even told me to depend on him or ask him if I needed help. I noticed when I tell him thank you for helping I activate his hero complex. He told me he doesn’t do relationships. That’s a red flag I just came from a 8yr Situationship with a Virgo. I’m older than the Aquarius I want to settle dwn but my past relationship made me emotionally Unavailable. He is also supervisor I am not. My question is should I just keep it as a banter? I have been celibate for 6yrs.I also think he is my twin flame. I’ve seen his aura our aura bubble bursted at work (we were working together) . I know when he is near its weird ill feel him coming ill look up he is there. He was helping with computer work I put my hand over his the closer I put my hand to his I felt a very strong current. It felt like electricity shot up my arm. I have never felt like this with anyone its a roller coaster ride. He is starting to ask me questions but I still don’t know about him. There was a time he would park his car next to mine out of all the parking stalls. Im confused. Is it worth keep going or just let it be?

    1. Hi Confused Aries!

      You might want to keep it as banter because if he’s telling you outright that he doesn’t do relationships then it means he’s not looking to have one. He probably has quite a past and has decided he doesn’t want to take that route. Be careful with yourself. I wouldn’t want you to try to invest to change his mind. Self preservation is important. That is one red flag I wouldn’t ignore. Even if you two have a physical chemistry that’s on fire, it doesn’t mean he’ll decide to do a relationship. Get to know him better and see what happens but don’t try to push for a relationship. Answer the questions and ask him plenty. If anything he could just be on his guard having said that to you but then again… you just don’t know. You might want to check out my books sweetheart. They are chocked full of information for you.

  25. Confused Cancer,

    I am a cancer who has developed feelings for my boss who is an Aquarius male and 7 years younger than me. He acted flirty and I reciprocated but we are both professional as well. We can carry on great conversation about anything and nothing. I am going through a divorce and he is single (never been married) and decided I needed to tell him that I have feelings for him and requested a transfer and he responded with saying he understands what I am going through because he had the same problem with a female he worked with and it was very hard for him to be around her. I assumed that him knowing how hard this is for me he would gladly send me on my way, but each time we have discussed it he says for me to just think about it before I decide (even though I have blatantly asked him for the transfer twice). On another note he is genuinely kind and I wonder if he really does just want me to stay because he really believes I am a valuable employee. But each time we discussed me leaving he would not talk to me after then a day or two later will talk to me like nothing ever happened. I don’t want to transfer because the thought of never seeing him again is heart breaking but at the same time it is sooo hard to work with him especially since he makes the effort to always come by and talk to me about everything/nothing. We have so much in common but I try so hard to keep my distance, the problem is when he comes around I forget everything and hang onto every word he says…Please help!

    1. Hi Cancer!

      I think that what you need to do is either tell him how you’re feeling very honestly or you need to go ahead and go so that you don’t keep falling for his coming by and talking to you. Only your intuition knows that the best answer is here and you’ve got to trust it. Do you want to find out if he wants more with you or not? If you do then you need to be brave and talk to him about your feelings. It will help you to find out what he’s thinking and if he wants the same or if he is just all business. If you would like to know more about how Aquarius men think, check out my books on Aquarius Man Secrets. I wish you the best!

  26. Confused Libra here,

    I am a Libra sun/Cancer Moon/Leo rising w. scorpio venus, and I met a Pisces sun/Aquarius Moon & Venus/Libra rising man two months ago. now that I read many of your posts about the complicated aquarius mind, i understand that it is still very soon for a man with his placements to get into a committed relationship.
    We started by a date (met on T****) that went SO well, we really had something and we ended up at my place in the same evening. he really was very sweet but also very straightforward giving me advice on how I should rearrange my place etc. never had I met someone like him and since then I am growing fonder and fonder, and quite obsessed I must say.
    The first problem was that I was just out of a 5years relationship and still very hurt, so I may have acted emotionally unavailable with him, not talking as much as him, listening to his every word etc, I am not in a place of confidence in my life and I can see that scared him a lot. but i didn”t understand a month ago.
    We’ve been seeing each other once or twice / week since we met, so I guess if he wasn’t interested at all he wouldn’t even take the time to spend his week-ends with me (for ex, he took me to see his horse ; we regularly watch movies together at my place of his, etc etc) BUT a month ago, after a very nice time together he told me he felt we would only be friends, mainly because of my job situation (I am a visual artist and I think this attracts him as much as scares him off)
    he added he was very sincere in being friends with me if I was ok with that. At that time i was still unsure/unaware of my own feelings so I said it was ok, that i was just happy to spend time with him.
    So it’s been a month that we still see eachother every week-end, when we do we spend the evening+night+day after together, he even lets me stay in his home when he’s at work (last week-end I stayed for 2 days straight…) so we sleep in the same bed, we cuddle in front of the tv, but nothing happens sexually. he does very subtles moves towards me like his hand on my leg in the movies, lots of staring, tries to make puns etc.
    but still say we are friends.
    This whole situation confuses me A LOT. it happens often that I cannot open up when we are together, I am very silent and he blames me for that, says that he needs to be able to communicate with me, to know whats happening in my head etc otherwise he wouldn’t spend his free time with me.
    my question is, despite his saying we are only friends, do you think he is only trying to establish first a solid friendship because he’s interested but afraid, OR he is playing me ?
    the more i see him, the more I fall for him, and it’s really hard to restraint myself from either telling him my feelings or cutting contact.
    thank you for you insight !!

    1. Hi Tills!

      I think part of the confusion for you may be that you’re going with the Aquarius moon. What about looking at more about Pisces man? That may help you more than you realize sweetheart. The moon isn’t the core of who they are. Their sun is a huge part of it and then the moon is more of the emotional side of a person. All aspects are important to get to know a person but if you want to know his main personality, you have to look at Pisces first and foremost then add in the other signs to make sense of who he is. Yes, I do think he’s trying to establish a strong friendship but honestly with him being Pisces with Aquarius moon, there is also a possibility he’s been deeply hurt before and is trying to avoid that. You need to decide if you’re willing to give him time or if you’d rather move on. That part is up to you. I wish you all the best but if you want to know more, check out Pisces Man Secrets.

  27. I’m a gemini in a relationship for 17 years with a Virgo now I started to take interest in Aquarius in 2012 and he started to take interest in me we started talking more and I feel strongly in saying we are best friends the way he stimulates my mind the way he comes through if I’m in trouble not like mr virgo well we have been basically intimate with each other since then and we are ok with giving each other space these whole years and yes I’m aware this is considered cheating but I’m at a point where soon I want a separation from mr Virgo (we haven’t been ok for a few years now and I’m at my breaking point in even trying anymore) and see what Aquarius will offer which I’m ok if in a committed relationship or not (obviously I want commitment but I’m willing to keep it as is in order to not ever lose my best friend) but my feelings are growing stronger for Aquarius the way it feels new and exciting every time we see each other do you guys think maybe he’s waiting for me? he recently moved to a diff state but when he comes down he makes the time to come see his nicknames to me sometimes are love or amor which melts me he’s 10 years older than me I’m 33

    1. Dear Gemini,
      Both of Gemini and Aquarius are outgoing and social, which works well for this relationship. Neither of these signs is overly possessive or jealous. You will feel comfortable being a society together, or even allow for space for the other to be social on their own.
      There will likely be a lack of ‘labels’ in this relationship, which will temper Aquarius’ need to sometimes be rebellious. In fact, this partnership will likely be the best pairing to harmoniously satisfy Aquarius’ need for rebellion. You two will be on the same page in most areas of life. You will be on the same page even in matters that keep you at arm’s length in some cases. You will not mind a very, very long engagement (if you get to this part). In fact, it wouldn’t be surprising if this couple never truly settles down, but this is amazing compatibility compared to Virgo with whom you probably have different approaches to work, money, and love. This could, and probably will lead to more conflicts than either of you wants in love relationship.
      Best of luck to you!

  28. Btw, does your book include different descriptions for the Aquarius men that are cusp and the ones that are not? I am a lot into astrology myself and I calculate birthcharts and all that and I am aware of the fact that an aquarius cusp is different from an aquarius that is not. I am cusp Scorpio-Sagitarius (19nov) and my aquarius man is Aquarius-Capricorn cusp (22jan).

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