How To Get An Aquarius Man To Chase You (11 Vital Tips)

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
How do you know if an Aquarius guy is really into you? Use these ways to make an Aquarius man chase you, and if he responds you'll know!

Knowing how to get an Aquarius man to chase you is one of the mysteries of the Universe. These guys are just so elusive, distant, and cool. Getting an Aquarius man to show any emotion can be quite an uphill battle.

An Aquarius man might be madly in love with you, but he definitely has a funny way of showing it. That is if he shows it in any capacity. This is why I get so many emails from my readers asking me “How to make an Aquarius man chase you?”

He just doesn’t go about things in a way you will ever expect. In fact, as a general rule, it is better to expect the unexpected with your Aquarius man because he is never going to be someone who follows the rules. 

Make an Aquarius man chase you in these simple yet potent 11 steps. You’ll wish you knew this information all your life! Keep on reading to find out more about how to get the Aquarius man to chase you!

How To Get An Aquarius Man To Chase You

1. Don’t Try Too Hard

Trying to win an Aquarius man can be a perplexing experience, because he may display affection or feelings for many people in the same way. He lives in his head and likes to think he is above ordinary encounters and traditional relationships.

Be yourself and show him sides of yourself that you normally hide. He is attracted to the truth and unusual people, but he cannot stand manipulation and pretense.

Make it clear that you want him, as subtle hints are not his thing, and then give him plenty of space and time to get to know you.

2. Present Him With A Challenge

To first get the attention of an Aquarius man, you will need to find some way to stand out from the crowd and get him curious to know more about you.

He is turned on by unusual people and unconventional ideas, and he wants a lover to be an intellectual equal, whose quirks and ideas stand up to endless analysis.

If you present him with a mystery to solve and he can’t quite understand what makes you appear to be so different from anyone else he knows, he will want to know more and will pursue you until he is bored or feels that his independence is threatened.

Discover here 11 questions to ask an Aquarius man to spark his interest <<

3. Be His Buddy

An Aquarius man will never pursue a woman he doesn’t have a firm friendship with. Being his friend doesn’t mean revealing every small fact about yourself and behaving like a man. It simply means that without a natural, easy connection between you, there is no chance of romance.

Being his friend means giving him space and time alone and accepting that he can be unpredictable, stubborn, and cold at times. If you can deal with his strangeness, he will feel comfortable to take things further. Then, you can expect a complete transformation in the way he deals with you and expects you to be.

RelatedWhy does the Aquarius man friend zone me? And do I still have a chance?

4. Be Cool

Aquarius man needs a woman who is as independent as he is and is still someone he can trust. You need to be detached, and patient as demanding and needy women are the last thing he wants.

Being independent does not mean making your Aquarius man jealous of other men. It means showing him that you have your own life and interests and that you are happy spending time alone.

Being different to impress him will only work at first. Try to stay true to yourself whatever you do. Here’s more about an Aquarius man likes and dislikes in a woman.

5. Surprise Him

Aquarius men are easily bored and difficult to keep interested or at your side. To get an Aquarius man to chase you and keep him interested, you will need to keep him guessing.

Learn about new scientific breakthroughs or debates in science. Stay informed on the latest humanitarian issues around the world, as your knowledge will intrigue him.

Find ways to surprise him with original and whimsical gestures that will charm him and keep him wondering what will happen next.

6. Be Clever And Original

Aquarians are clever and witty conversationalists who love debate and intellectual exchange. He will love your most inventive and unusual ideas.

If you think no one will else will ever “get” you, the Aquarius man may not just understand you but love the way you think. He wants to know you have principles, and that you are prepared to defend them, even when you are opposed.

7. Be Mysterious

Aquarius men love a bit of mystery in their life and a woman who keeps some things to herself can definitely leave him feeling intrigued and leave him wanting more. This is a potent combination for an Aquarius man.

He wants to be with a woman who can leave his wheels spinning and make him question whatever it is you are thinking. Getting an Aquarius man to chase you means that you need to always leave him wanting more by being mysterious.

If you’re struggling to be mysterious with your Aquarius man, I strongly recommend checking out my 30-day Aquarius Man Love Challenge… It will set you on the right path with your hot Aqua guy.

Few More Tips To Make An Aquarius Man Chase You

It is funny, but all the tips and tricks that make an Aquarius man want to chase you seem to involve being as disinterested in him as possible. This man really values his freedom and independence, and meeting a woman who won’t take this away from him feels like gold. 

Just be cool and focus on your own stuff, and your Aquarius man will chase you to no end. However, when you start to chase him, you might blow your chances because coming on too strong can be pretty detrimental when it comes to dating an Aquarius man

This might not be in your nature to act this way, but learning to focus on your own happiness and keeping yourself busy might be the best thing you can do for your relationship with your Aquarius man. I promise you, he’ll chase you if you embody more of his qualities. 

4 Tricks To Get An Aquarius Man To Chase You Through Text

1. Be Flirty!

If you’re further along in your relationship and the “buddy-buddy” style doesn’t fit your dynamic, try to kick up the flirtiness. Aquarius men are flirts themselves, and they aren’t immune to charm! They absolutely adore flirty messages—the more playful, the better!

Air signs are all about words and messages, about communication and language. So, brush your flirting skills up!

Don’t address heavy issues via text—leave those for a face-to-face conversation or an email. You could text him something along the lines of, “Hey, you. I was thinking about you last night.” This is subtle yet sexy. It’s not too overbearing and leaves him plenty of room to get creative. Try it!

Here are five of the easiest and most effective ways to flirt with your Aquarius man through text <<

2. Stand Out

The typical Aquarius man doesn’t want an ordinary relationship—or an ordinary woman. He wants something and someone different, unique, and special.

Send him messages that reflect his own uniqueness as well as yours, and remind him that you have something unusual together.

For this one, I’d advise a meme, picture, or article on a topic you’ve chatted about together. Not something fluffy or emotional but something deep or “out there.” This should do the trick: “Hey, babe. Remember when we chatted about this the other day? Such a crazy idea!”

It’s even better when you make the subject a cause, a conspiracy theory, or something that supports human rights!

3. Make Him Laugh

Aquarian men are smarter than most, as you probably already know! Smarts often translate to a wicked sense of humor, so making this man laugh with something clever will have him wanting you all over again!

For this, I’d suggest sending him a clever cartoon or satire article that you know he will love. Make it one that’s not too “basic,” though, and perhaps with a bit of scientific relevance. You’ll have him eating out of the palm of your hand!

You may also want to read: How To Talk To An Aquarius Man — Dos And Don’ts

4. Suggest Something New

Reach out and ask your Aquarius man if he’d like to do something out of the ordinary, preferably scientific, spacey, activism-related, social, or just plain fun. This will not only strike his interest, but it’s a super-easy lead into a date!

Try: “Hey! Have you checked out the local planetarium (or whatever) here yet? I’m dying to go!” I hope that these examples help you get your Aquarius man to chase you.

Just remember that manipulating yourself and your behavior to get a man to love you will not work for long. When you reach out, do it from a genuine place. Be true to yourself!

Once you’ve been with him for long enough, you’ll see his soft side come out, and you’ll learn how much emotional sensitivity an Aquarius man is capable of. He just needs that space from you to not feel pushed or pressured in any way.

Will An Aquarius Case You, Or Does He Want You To Chase Him?

The answer is actually neither. An Aquarius man does everything out of left field, and this includes his dating. He is definitely not a traditional person and he doesn’t want to play by the rules of society. 

An Aquarius man will not chase you in the normal sense, he will slowly get to know you. You might actually just think the two of you are just friends, and then out of nowhere he will start introducing you as his girlfriend. 

This is why it is always best to approach your Aquarius man like he is just a friend. If you put any romantic pressure on him he is more than likely going to run for the hills. Being as chill and relaxed about your connection with him is always going to be the best way to move forward with him.

Treat him like a friend, and he will probably see you as the perfect romantic partner for him. I know it is weird, but this is the way his mind works. A normal cookie cutter relationship is simply not going to work for him. 

So don’t chase him, but also don’t expect your Aquarius man to chase you either. Always look at this relationship with him from a totally different perspective, because when you do, the relationship will work out perfectly.

Read here: Do Aquarius Men Like To Be Chased?

FAQs On Aquarius Man Chasing You

Does An Aquarius Man Like To Be Chased? 

In all honesty, Aquarius men definitely don’t like to be chased. It makes them feel overwhelmed and like there is a lot of pressure on them to perform a role they’re not sure they want. This is why friendships work out so well for Aquarius men. 

Usually, their best relationships start out as friendships. It just feels a lot easier and a lot less stressful for an Aquarius man to keep things casual and not have too much pressure going on. This is why you might want to think twice about chasing an Aquarius man <<

How Do You Know If An Aquarius Man Is Serious About You?

Knowing if an Aquarius man is serious about you definitely isn’t one of the most obvious things in the world. Because this guy is so aloof and distant you may definitely just get the impression that he wants something casual with you. 

He isn’t big on emotion and it is very rare that he actually shares how he feels because he tends to overintellectualise whatever it is he is feeling. However, if you notice your Aquarius man opening up more and perhaps being more affectionate then there is a good sign he is serious about you. 

If he is spending a lot of time with you and seems to be quite comfortable being intimate with you without running away afterwards, then this is definitely a strong sign that he might be really into you. He may even consider you as his girlfriend.

You may also want to readWhy are Aquarius so cold and what to do when he blows hot and cold?

How Do You Make An Aquarius Man Fear Losing You?

I’ll let you in on a little secret, but, once you are in the heart of an Aquarius man it can be very difficult for him to let you go. There are two very big reasons for this and this is mainly because he is ruled by Saturn, the planet of longevity, and he is also a fixed sign, which means he is actually quite uncomfortable with change. 

Although your Aquarius man might be quite unexpected, you may have noticed an element of organization and order in his personality. He isn’t really away with the fairies and is usually quite in control of his life and situations. 

If you become a part of his routine, but suddenly change things up and do something unexpected, your Aquarius may get the fear of losing you. Surprising him is always a good way to keep him on his toes to make him realize that he still needs to work to be with you. 

Become His Dream Woman In 30 Days (Or Give Up Forever)

Looking to become the woman of your Aquarius man’s dreams, but getting frustrated with how slowly things are progressing? Do you wish you had a magic ball to see into the future to KNOW for sure if he’s “The One” for you?

It’s time to stop trying to figure him out and start taking action!

Well, I have fantastic news for you!

There is a simple system that takes only 30 days and will draw him to you like a magnet, getting him to fall deeply in love with you. But if he isn’t your soulmate, you will know for sure and can move on.

This powerful program will give you everything you need to know if your Aquarius is your forever guy.

He WILL respond quickly to this approach if he IS the one for you, and if he doesn’t, you will know in 30 days so you don’t waste any more precious time.

We all know that Aquarius men can be stubborn, and leave you waiting and wondering for a very long time. But with this program, you’ll have the tools to get him to commit quickly.

And if he doesn’t, you’ll know he isn’t the right man for you and can set him loose to find your true soulmate.

So no more waiting around or playing it cool. It’s time to get your Aquarius man to step up or move on.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to become his dream woman in just 30 days or give up forever <<

Get your answer now and start your journey towards a fulfilling and lasting relationship with your Aquarius man.

Sending you love,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

25 thoughts on “How To Get An Aquarius Man To Chase You (11 Vital Tips)

  1. My boyfriend is an aquarius. In two years relationship we brokeup for nearly 4 times.My little childish behaviour always pissed him off.There are no any serious reasons for breakup in our relationship.During the breakup he always says I am not perfect for him and he leaves me blocking on all sites and afte some 1-2 months I called and then we start talking we bcome friends n then again we go in relationship during this he says that I am perfect for him in all sense. Then some thing happened between us because of this behaviour turning off and on. I told him remove me from your life forever or either come in relation with me he preferred 1st option this has happened many times between us .I just dont know now even this time he will come back or not. I love him alot I know he is difficult but still i do accept in all ways I want to be with him forever. Now latest situation is that he has removed me from his life he ignores my all calls messages everything. Now i dont know whether he will ever talk to me or not. I want him back but this time i want him to come back to me .For that what should i have to do? Any solution or any suggestion for this situation. Please help me.

    1. Being a Aquarius man i can suggest you that he’ll be missing you at some moments and trying to contact but will not reach at you due to his egocentric nature. However if you want to start with him again you’ve to take initiate and talk about the philosophy and some social and other problems but also try to push him for work to eradicate those problems and also shows indirectly that you’re also ‘ve some of these situations eg can say dowery or other social stigma, but not press him hard and made him friend and say again and again to him that you don’t wanna in any kind of marriage relation, this may work as due to his rebellious nature he do exactly opposite what you’ll say and might be it get worked for you… have faith in thou 🙂

  2. Yeah, so, when I met my Aqua for the first time , I irritated the living crap outta him. I guess that’s also some sorta mental stimulation lol. He apparently hated me bcos he poked me and pulled my hair and probed me and prank-called me and punched me all the time. Back then, I wasn’t into astrology, so I didn’t know he was crushing on me in his own, eccentric way. I just thought he was being mean and annoying. He even mustered up the courage to actually SAY “I love you.” After which he was like, blushing and saying “No. No. You’re just interesting.” I guess I was a little different from the others back then – a very sweet and innocent person. But now, when he’s like, kinda ignoring my texts, and his attitude is like, “Yeah, whatEVER”, I have this REALLY HUGE crush on him. Maybe I’m too boring? Too clingy? Too needy? I’m Libra Sun with a Cancer Moon, Taurus Ascendant and Aries Descendant. I guess the Taurus and Cancer influence makes me a little possessive XD. I’ve seen him few times looking at me when HE KNOWS I can see him in my peripheral vision, with this sort of crude hunger and lust, and when I look back at him, BAM. There’s the guy who couldn’t care less about me. Any ideas?

    1. I’m an Aquarius and I can say with full guarantee if he doesn’t express any feelings of love for you he’s a big f*ck boy.He even sounds like an abuser.You’ll just be wasting your time.
      Ask him for the last time and if he’s not serious which he doesn’t seem and only wants sex then be the first one to finish have sex with him and then throw him out of your life.Don’t let anyone play with your emotions.I’m sure there are a million strong men out there willing to treat you a million times better than that and you’ll be able to love them back.

      1. HI Ramis!

        I think you’re totally right. That guy sounds like a Narcissist and no matter what sign he is, he’s going to do what is right for him thus not caring about his partner. Every sign has Narcissists and it’s sad but that’s the way it goes. Not all Aquarius men are like this though and so I hope ladies don’t get the wrong impression.

  3. Soo the aquarius and i had a tiff in which he was wrong and was mad becasmuse he put my health in jeopardy. Now that everything is cool… im wondering if we could be friends because he was fun and im moving so he cant do me any more harm anyway but idk for some reason im jist wondering.. i guess does he look at me as a friend or cool person too

  4. I dated an Aquarius man for 2 1/2 years and lived with him for 4 years. Total 6 1/2 years. During that time I was diagnosed with cancer and he took really good care of me. I lost my Dad and my step mom and in January 2014 my wheels fell off emotionally and I was admitted to hospital. In July 2014 he asked me to move out of his house. I still love him and see him from time to time but my idea of friendship and his are totally different. I still hope we can maybe have a life together

  5. As Virgo, it was at first difficult dating an Aquarius man. These men don’t tolerate emotions, drama and dependency. They are intrigued with intelligence, independence and turstworthy. As soon as you give them an option to stay or leave after being in a dramatict-emotional roller coaster, I can guarantee you he is forever gone. To be with these men you need to be able analyze yourself, check your negative thoughts and emotions at the door. They don’t condon heated arguments just steamy conversations. They don’t like being given an ultimatum, they rather be given space of independence (which I love because I get to do me). They don’t like rules and regulation of society or conventional romance, they prefer a girl who can put wit him and spontaneous in nature (to which I am. I am a total opposite of the normal Virgo, don’t know why). They prefer bluntness over subtle hints, but be careful in phrasing your sentences they are sensitive too (I do hurt when he criticized me for a moment and a day or two I kick it off, because there’s no point) These men are humanaritians, so treat others/him the way you would like to be treated. Their minds function at speed faster than a jet plane, thinking of 16 billion things all at once. They will open up to you things they that are truly bothering them, don’t pry into anything their life, just let it be kinda thing. Treat them as best friend more than a lover, it’s better off this way than forcing to open his fist to hold (you will be mentally drained).

    If they left you, they are gone forever (do not hope for what was to be what will). You got to move on with your path, if opportunites arises again learn from your mistake and understand him more deeply. If your an emotional an emotional rollercoaster don’t even bother hoping he will be intrigued with you. These men are postive intellectual human, global citizens you can say they rather talk about world changes and ways to engineer a better world. Most importantly you got love yourself, be yourself and do you. These men loves an independent woman who has a strong morale, intellectual brain, and a foundation of their own. Freedom, balance and friendship is what make a good relationship with them.
    Oh don’t talk to them about committing it will just another argument, let life flow with the waters and wind.

  6. I need advice. I know this guy (Aquarius) for a couple of months and we become besties but at times we would like each other and knew it but would never say anything about it now flash forward to December 17 he starts leaving me on seen and doesn’t even reply to me and I haven’t done anything to him again flash forward to January same thing but then he tried making a conversation but he failed at it is he mad at me? Or have I done something wrong or is he just tired of me?

    1. Hi Melly! Thank you for commenting about your Aquarius situation. Perhaps he was really enjoying the friendship you had then realizing that something else was forming, he got freaked out and decided to back off. When Aquarius man is unsure about what he wants, he will often become cold or non responsive. I don’t think you’ve done anything wrong. He’s just complicated. If you’d like to know more about the Aquarius man psyche, you may want to check out my book.

  7. Actually the one I’m dating is a manipulative j*rk. I don’t wish to win him back. He flirted with other women. No emotion, even when it was warranted. He thought everyday was supposed to be like Disneyland. He got to know me and won my
    Heart, only to push me away. It was all about him. I gave a lot and ended up with nothing.

  8. I met an Aquarian man. This was supposed
    to be a light, fun long distance thing. When we talk or text it’s great, however when we get together both of our alpha personalities come to surface. The sex is awesome we are amazing together in that department His personality is somewhat of an arrogant selfish jerk. He is twice divorced and I see why, because he makes it hard for anyone to get close to him. We mutually went our separate ways after our last rendezvous, however, I find myself thinking about him and wanting to resume with him. I know I should leave well enough alone but I really want him back. What should I do?

  9. I am a Scorpio woman that has been in an off and on relationship with Aquarius for two years. He is VERY difficult to love. We get together, we have an argument, and then he’s gone. He lacks a lot of intelligence emotionally and I believe that is why we clash. I have calmed down a lot and find myself doing all the compromising to help keep the peace. Nothing works. But, he leaves and ALWAYS comes back! I do not call him, text him, or anything when he leaves. I will not chase him. He says he’s gone for good and then BAM!! He’s back everytime. Well, I finally gave him his house key back and blocked him out of my life. I am done with his selfish ways. He WILL be back and I WILL be no where to be found….. I know he loves me. He’s always wanting to hold me and kiss me, when we are working, he calls me so much(we are both independent contractors). He tells me so much about him and the things he has been through…. We have very deep conversations, but are silly together most of the time! He tells me he loves my energy and how funny I am! And he’s funny too. But, everytime we breakup, it does something to me and I just can’t go through it anymore. Aquarius men have a difficult time giving up their freedom and can be terrified of commitment especially if they have been hurt. This is my first and my last Aqua man. He’s cool, but the inconsistency doesn’t work for Scorpio women. We crave love on a deeper level and Aquarius men tend to be basic due to their lack of emotional intelligence! Leaving the relationship and coming back whenever you feel is pretty basic! No thanks.

    1. Hi Evan! Thanks for writing in about your Aquarius guy problem. Yes they are difficult for sure! They’re hard to nail down into a committment and it takes a great deal of patience. Independence and personal freedom is huge for them. They need time to themselves and sometimes aren’t nice in the way they take it if they feel they aren’t getting it. I understand your feelings about inconsistency but before you get too soured on Aquarius men, they are NOT all alike. If you’d like to know more, please check out my book.

  10. My boyfriend is Aquarius and I am Libra, and we are almost two years together. During the last year we split up twice! He always said:”I don’t know if I am ready.”, “I am no more sure about my feelings.” ….
    The first time we broke up, we got back together fiv weeks after andI must say it was horrible…. we couldn’t communicate our feelings, because of fear hurting someone or not getting respect. He was not capable of expressing his feeling for me…
    The second split was before the summer, so we spent four months apart. During all these months he texted me regularly to ask how I was doing, how my holidays would go…
    Well after the Summer we met again and there was this chemistry between us, you really noticed that he was into me, he literally could’nt keep his eyes of me…. and then well we got back together and the tension between us was gone…. we can communicate easily, share without being anxious or disrespectful. He communicated his feelings for me the day we got back together. Even now, if we spend more than a week together, he is not pissed of or wants me to leave, he actually enjoyed the time (according to him)

    My problem is… I am scared that he could change his mind impulsively after a fight or I dont know maybe he gets scared of insecurity about the future, which would lead to a third split… I can’t handle a third split… I could how I show him that he should not be afraid, that he can fully open up to me? Is this typical for an Aquarius man? Maybe not mature enough for long committment?

    1. Hi Flor! Yes Aquarius men can be quite confusing sometimes. They go back and forth analzying what they want. In the meantime, they tend to cool off or seem uncaring while they try to figure themselves out. It sounds like you finally find the right formula in order for you two to properly communicate. There is so much more to learn about Aquarius men. If you’d be interested in knowing some more, I highly encourage you to check out my book.

  11. My ex is a typical Aquarius and I’m a Virgo (the kind that loves to help others, who’s sometimes nitpicky but means well, who’s quite blunt and who’s a perfectionist). Three months into our relationship, he said that he didn’t like doing ”couple-y” things with me (despite initiating them 90% of the time) and said we’d be better off as friends. When I didn’t really react he was upset, though. Four days later he asked me to hang out. At first we just went for a walk, but then he invited me over and he started to flirt, he apologized for saying what he said and we eventually had sex, just like nothing had ever happened. That’s when he started being more open with me and treating me more like his girlfriend despite not wanting to ascribe a specific word to our relationship. I respected that but I thought inviting me to all his family dinners meant he at least saw a future with me.

    But then, a week ago he said that we’d be better off as friends again. He also said that I’d be better off with a guy like his best friend and not him because he’s broken. I called him out on not acting logically because a week before that he was confessing his feelings to me. Anyway, we hung out once since the break and it was amazing. We went ice skating, then ate at a café (I paid for us both because he had paid last time) and after that we went back to his place (he said it was a mistake but I call bullshit on that)… and nothing happened this time. He said he’d be down to go rock climbing with me the next day but I said he’ll probably have more fun without me. I feel so stupid now. We haven’t spoken since and I miss him.

    Should I let him come back to me or should I reach out?

    He told me himself that he gets distant whenever things get serious and he has a fear of commitment. He also told me that he can’t look at me straight in the eye and tell me he didn’t like me or won’t like me again in the future so there’s that.

  12. hi,
    im an aries lady and i have aquarius man for 4 years.i want to end our relationship because i dont feel him anymore.But he chase me all the time he never stop calling and made him upset.i am 39 and his only 33.I want to stopr everything to him what i must do.thank you

    1. Hi Margarita, I see you’ve commented on two different artcles about the same topic. If you’ve already told your Aquarius guy that you are done then I’m not sure there is much else you can do. Tell him again and tell him that you don’t want anymore contact with him at all. Tell him that you’ll get a restraining order on him if he doesn’t stop. This should make it clear enough for him to actually listen to you and abide by your wishes. Aquarius men tend to chase the women that are hard to get or put up a fight. They see it as a challenge that they cannot resist. If you are done and uncomfortable though, tell him that and threaten a restraining oder. He’ll quickly realize that you really don’t want anything to do with him and he should stop. For any other ladies that would like to know more about Aquarius men and how they operate, consider checking out my book.

    2. Hi Margarita, I see you’ve commented on two different articles about the same topic. If you’ve already told your Aquarius guy that you are done then I’m not sure there is much else you can do. Tell him again and tell him that you don’t want any more contact with him at all. Tell him that you’ll get a restraining order on him if he doesn’t stop. This should make it clear enough for him to actually listen to you and abide by your wishes. Aquarius men tend to chase the women that are hard to get or put up a fight. They see it as a challenge that they cannot resist. If you are done and uncomfortable though, tell him that and threaten a restraining order. He’ll quickly realize that you really don’t want anything to do with him and he should stop. For any other ladies that would like to know more about Aquarius men and how they operate, consider checking out my book.

  13. I’m an Aquarius myself and I can’t believe I’m getting confused over a fellow Aquarius. I have only seen him once before he contacted me out of nowhere and asked me to go on a “date”. Well at first he tried to ask me indirectly by using some excuses to meet. Because he wants to get to know me more. And he rly didn’t stop until I said yes. So until our meeting he would text me non stop and talk alot, even asked me to give him my number so he could call me but i was like you’ll get my number once we meet in person. So yeah our “meeting” went well and all, we had long conversations and he even talked about relationships and that he believes in miracles and that even if we didn’t work he wouldn’t want to lose contact and be close friends with me. Now the actual typical thing is that after we met he has got more distant over the days. He either texts dry or doesn’t at all. I thought maybe he’s busy and that’s okay but i still wonder whats gonna happen next. Now my question is did he get bored of me or is he taking it cool now since he thinks he has me in his pockets. He’s a very straightforward guy and always says what’s on his mind but its hard to follow when he doesn’t say anything at all. And i don’t want to be clingy and bother him after all I don’t know him that long. I’m just scared of being used and played.

    1. Hi Aqua!

      It’s easy to understand why you’d get confused by your male counterpart. You have different hormones than he does and so there is a little bit of a difference that can cause confusion. It sounds like he was excited about the chase and then cooled down again. Try ignoring him or giving him less of your time. If he really cares, he’ll come back and chase you some more. The trick is not being available for him every time he wants to talk. It’s an old game but it does seem to work. If he doesn’t care that much then he’ll walk away and you can then find yourself someone who actually really will care for you the way you deserve!

  14. I am a Leo with my sun in Leo and a Leo ascendant. I have an Aquarius descendant and an Aqua moon both of which are in my 7th house. My mom is an Aquarius. My ex is an Aquarius and I am currently crushing on another Aquarius that I went to high school with years ago. So, Aquarius has a karmic/ destined role that they play in my life. I really like this guy I went to school with so I am here for the tips and advice. Wish me luck!

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