Why Is My Aquarius Man Ignoring Me? And What To Do About It

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Do Aquarius guys ignore the girl they like? If you're wondering this, you should know that there is a reason an Aquarius man is ignoring you.

I often get questions from my readers asking, “Why is my Aquarius man ignoring me out of nowhere?” The thing with these men is that they are known to be extremely fickle.

They run hot and cold just about all the time. One minute he is all over you, and the next, it can feel like you never existed to him. Aquarian men are famous for ignoring women—how annoying!

But why does he do this? And what can you do to make him stay? If an Aquarius man is ignoring you, does it mean he’s testing you, or is he simply just not that into you?

It is important that you don’t take this behaviour of his personally, but it is also important to understand what you can do to avoid him treating you this way. It may take quite a bit of compromise for some of you to be with an Aquarius man.

You need to understand why he acts the way he does, and what to do when he does this. He can be very independent and this isn’t always easy for women to handle, but if you know what to do, you’ll be golden.

Let’s delve deeper and see all the possible reasons why an Aquarius man might be ignoring you.

Why Does An Aquarius Man Ignore You — 5 Possible Reasons

1. He Is Unaware

You may ask yourself sometimes, is my Aquarius man ignoring me? If the Aquarius man you’re interested in doesn’t know you like him, he’ll simply blow you off in ignorance. He isn’t the most  intuitive man, even if he is highly intellectual.

He’s the type of guy that is literal. Unless he knows you like him or that you find him interesting, he’ll simply ignore you because he doesn’t know any better. This is that typical “duh” thing that many men experience.

This isn’t just the Aquarius man either! Many men of various signs just “don’t see it” when a woman is into them. So, he’s not the only one that may be ignorant of what is going on around him.

Interested in how to show your love to an Aquarius man? << check it out here.

That being said, this is one reason why he may not be paying attention to you. Just the lack of knowledge that you may be into him isn’t there for him, so he simply doesn’t pay attention.

To get him to notice you or pay attention; you’ll need to do something to get his attention as if to say “Hello, I’m here!” Once he does notice you, you can then use some other tactics to let him know you’re interested.

2. He’s Really Mad

If you are already dating an Aquarius man and he’s ignoring you, there is that possibility that you did something that crossed a line for him and so, in retribution, he’s giving you the silent treatment.

Oftentimes, an Aquarius man has to get his thoughts together before he’ll sit and discuss it with you. If you’ve just had a big blow-up, argument, or he’s found out something you’ve done and is now pissed off, that is why an Aquarius man ignores you.

While the Aquarius man can sometimes spew things that are angry and mean, he doesn’t always mean it at the time. So, if he can possibly help it, he’d rather go spend time alone and figure it out for himself and then circle back to it.

If he doesn’t come back, then he’s resolved that you were definitely in the wrong and he is correct in his assessment that he should move on. In that case, you may not ever hear from him again.

It truly will depend on what happened between the two of you prior to him not paying attention to you anymore. Only you could possibly know what you may have done to make him that angry.

3. He’s Just Not That Into You

Yet another reason why you may ask, why is an Aquarius man ignoring me? Most Aquarius men will just come out and tell you if they’re not interested in you and for what reason. However, there are some that will not have the gumption to approach you and tell you.

Feeling that you are too fragile or emotional could cause him to avoid trying to talk to you about his feelings or that he wants out. This would cause him to shut down and walk away completely without telling you anything.

It really depends on the individual in how he handles this situation. Some handle it with ease and some just get squeamish. Their Moon sign or Ascendant sign may play a role in how they feel about letting someone down easily.

Some will just cut you off completely and you’ll never see or hear them ever again. If they live across town; then it’s easy for them to disappear.

Discover more signs an Aquarius man is playing you and is not interested in a serious relationship here.

4. He’s Legitimately Busy

Aquarius men are all about achieving success in their careers. If not a career, they’re working hard at trying to build their future empire. Some will have one job that they work overtime at and some have multiple jobs.

Depending on their circumstances, they want to be sure that they will have plenty of money to live their dreams and retire. This is a big priority for them. They may sadly sometimes not keep in touch as they should.

Sometimes they blow off phone calls and texts. They mean to call you back or text you back but they just totally forget in their busy lives. In other words, he may not be blowing you off on purpose.

If he’s busy working on a project or on doing a bunch of overtime, then you may want to cut him some slack. It could be a temporary thing. However, when an Aquarius man ignores you, you may want to sit down and talk to him.

Doing it for a positive purpose may benefit you later on as well if you stick it out with him. Besides; if you’re with him, he’s likely expecting you to be the same way with your time.

5. He Isn’t In The Space For Dating

It isn’t unusual for an Aquarius man not to be interested in dating. The sign of Aquarius is one of the most detached and aloof signs of the Zodiac. Romantic relationships totally freak them out because they have a tough time understanding emotions.

This might be the reason why your Aquarius man ignores you. It has nothing to do with you, just the fact that he really isn’t interested in something serious. He’s honestly the type of guy who is more interested in friendship than a romantic commitment.

There might be a lot of things going on in his life that feel more important for him to deal with. I know it can be hard for you to accept, but it might be better for your sanity to just let him be. Don’t freak out and chase him because even if there is a small chance for the two of you, your neediness might push him away.

This might be why the Aquarius man is ignoring you, you’re putting too much pressure on him and not understanding that he just wants to be friends. The only course of action to take with an Aquarius man is to go with the flow; everything else will just push him further away.

If An Aquarius Man Ignores You, Does That Mean He Is Testing You?

You might be wondering, If an Aquarius man ignores you does it mean he is testing you? And the answer is quite possibly yes. The reason for this is that an Aquarius man is very wary of getting into a commitment with someone. It needs to be 100% right for him to take the next step with a potential partner.

It is important to remember that your Aquarius man is someone who is a free spirit and appreciates his independence above everything else, so going into a relationship with someone doesn’t come that naturally to him.

This is why he is quite fond of testing the women he dates. An Aquarius man will ignore you to see how needy and clingy you become. He ultimately wants to be with a woman who is highly independent and has an interesting life.

If you make it seem that your world revolves around him, then you’re going to make it very difficult for your Aquarius man to take you seriously. In fact, you might just be giving him enough information to realize that you aren’t the right woman for him.

This is why whenever you get the impression that an Aquarius man is testing you, you just need to play it cool and live your own life. Show him that you don’t need him and I promise he’ll come crawling back, and if he doesn’t, then he was never the right guy for you in any case.

When An Aquarius Man Ignores Your Text — Here’s What To Do

The best way to handle it when an Aquarius man is not texting back or giving any sort of response is to act as though it doesn’t bother you. Don’t text him again for a while. Disappear for a bit.

You know how he becomes so much more attractive to you when he disappears? Well, why not do the same to him. Shroud yourself and mystery and go on with your life like it doesn’t bother you.

I know it can be really painful not to reach out, but isn’t it more painful to text him constantly and not get a decent reply in return. The best thing you can do is not to play into his games and just follow what makes you happy.

Bombarding him will only make him feel pressured and annoyed. Also, it makes him feel you are clingy, which will just make him lose interest in you entirely.

When an Aquarius man is ignores your texts, sometimes it’s best to just leave him be and let him gather his thoughts. Perhaps your missing presence via text or social media will cool him off and actually miss you.

If texting isn’t really your game, you’ll be glad to know that I have written a whole guide on how to text an Aquarius man the right way. You should really check it out if you want to learn how to play him at his own game.

What To Do When An Aquarius Man Ignores You

If you haven’t heard from your Aquarius man in a week, give him time and space. He doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. At the same time, he doesn’t want to get trapped in an emotional web—of his or yours.

He will show up again. When he does, keep it light. By backing up, you give him space to become curious about you.

Resist the temptation to hammer him with heavy emotions, and whatever you do, don’t act clingy, angry, or demanding. Instead, act as if nothing out of the ordinary has happened, and show him that you have unique, fun, and exciting things in your life that were keeping you so busy that you hardly noticed his absence.

Don’t play with his feelings or try to provoke jealousy. Don’t flirt with someone else or let on that you may have replaced him. Even if this is your own test of his interest, it will only backfire.

Also, don’t use the next point of contact as an opportunity to do heavy emotional dumping. Instead, keep him interested by bringing up unusual things to talk about or making suggestions for unique dates or adventures.

Looking for the ways to get your Aquarius man to stop ignoring you? << then here are some information that may help you to bring him out of his stone-cold silence.

3 High Value Ways To Respond On Aquarius Man Ignoring You

Be Patient With Him And Also With Yourself

As hard as it may be, you’re going to have to relax and let go. You cannot control an Aquarius or his thoughts. You also cannot control his actions. He is a strong individual who doesn’t want to be dictated to.

I often get emails from women asking me what they can do to get him to do something or to get him to feel a certain way. The answer is that there isn’t anything you can do. He has to want you and that has to be his choice.

I know it’s hard to hear that but you need to know the truth. Manipulation will not work with Aquarius men. Like Virgo, they’re very keen and know when you’re being sincere and when you’re not.

If he feels you’re manipulating him, he will drop you like a hot cake for sure. He wants a partner who will have patience enough to let things grow in a natural way and in a natural time rather than trying to rush him.

Trying to rush him will absolutely get him to ignore you or back off for a while. It doesn’t mean he’ll be gone forever. When you panic after a few unanswered texts, you’re making yourself upset.

If an Aquarius man ignores you does that mean he is testing you? It could be that he is and he wants to see if you actually do have the patience it requires to be with him. If he is testing you then you should show him you can handle it.

Do Not Pressure Him, It Will Only Chase Him Away

Trust me when I tell you that he detaches enough that it’s not going to faze him to leave you alone for a while. He knows what he wants and there is no changing that.

To truly get the Aquarius man’s attention, you’re going to have to calm down and have patience. Stop obsessing over your phone and whether or not he’s contacted you. The expectation on him will backfire.

When he wants to talk to you or spend time with you, he’ll certainly let you know. If he wants time to himself or some space, let him have it. It will do you no good to try to jerk that out from beneath him.

Be that independent woman he was attracted to in the first place. Be busy and don’t worry so much about whether or not he’s going to return your phone call, email, or texts.

Believe that all will be well, no matter what happens. Remember it’s only YOU that can make you happy. It’s not his responsibility and no one should have that sort of pressure put on them.

Make Yourself The Priority

When an Aquarius man ignores you, go ahead and look into your own life. Spend time with your friends or family. Have fun. Put your phone away if you need to or leave it at home.

Stressing over whether or not he’s going to reach out will not help you achieve the desired results. Pining for him will give off energy that he will receive and decide you’re too needy.

Remember that he wants a woman who is strong and does her own thing. It will turn him on to know you’re busy and not worried about where he is, why he hasn’t reached out, or what he’s doing.

The less you pine over him, the more intrigued he’ll be. You can shoot him a quick text saying “I’m busy doing stuff but wanted to say hi and hope you’re doing well.” He’ll lift an eyebrow and wonder what you’re up to.

He may respond at that moment but even if he doesn’t, when he wants you, he’ll reach out. What’s the worst that can happen? He decides not to contact you again? If you learn how to truly make yourself happy, it won’t matter.

I’m not saying that you should give up on your Aquarius guy, so don’t get me wrong. I want you to live a long happy life filled with love. However, remember that we teach people how to treat us.

When an Aquarius man ignores you, shrug your shoulders, and go about your business. If it’s a test to see how loyal you are or how patient you are, you’ll win the prize. If not, he may back out.

Learn here more ways to get your Aquarius man to stop ignoring you <<

Why Your Aquarius Man Isn’t Texting You…

It can be frustrating to send your Aquarius man a text message and not get a response for hours, or even days. You might start feeling anxious or questioning if he even cares about you at all.

But the truth is, Aquarius men are wired differently from other zodiac signs, and following generic dating advice may not work with them.

I’m here to share with you three simple texts that a Aquarius man can’t resist and can’t ignore.

When you know what to say and how to say it, you’ll capture his heart and get a quick and loving reply every time.

Don’t risk losing your Aquarius man by treating him like any other guy. Learn how to text him in a way that speaks to his unique personality and desires.

Trust me, with these three simple texts, he will be putty in your hands. So go check out what I mean now and keep your Aquarius man in your life forever.

Sending you love,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

79 thoughts on “Why Is My Aquarius Man Ignoring Me? And What To Do About It

  1. My Aquarius man ignores me most times and don’t even reply back, I give him his space and he usually text me and I get happy but I’m tired of the on and off stuff like it’s very annoying I don’t know what to do I mean I told him about but it does not change he just tells me he hate texting or he is busy ?

    1. Brandy Holmes, I was dealing with the same thing with my Aquarius.Sometime you have to back up and let them be.Do your own thing. Make yourself happy. Don’t allow him to drive you crazy. Just back up and ignore his text and calls

      1. Hi Stepl,

        I also agree with your thoughts on Brandy’s issue. She can try the aggressive and honest approach or she can act like it’s no biggie and do her own thing. She has to ultimately decide what she will or will not tolerate and either take action or change her mind and do something absolutely different. It’s up to her to figure out what boat she wants to be in. Sometimes ignoring HIM will make him wake up and take action.

    2. I’m Aquarius man I just had complex mind it hard not show it so easy doing work it hard sometime .we different type Aquarius so idk maybe he’s busy try something else sorry if I end your relationship but I’m not good at relationship I alway make mistakes so hard for me to do something perfect I just like being single talk to same one Aquarius different Per each person it hard

      1. Im a sag women I really need advice if u can help, I was 16 when I met my Aquarius man he was 18 I’m 21 he 23 we have 2 little kids together, live together, I basically did everything with him. I know he loves me, he shows emotion when he want to never when I want him too, all we do is fight, we used to be so happy with eachother now it just feel like the love dying but we holding on to eachother because I do love him with Everything in me, but I’m tired he’s disrespectful he can not communicate blames everything on me when I’m confronting him. He ignores me so much! I call his phone too many times and he sends me to voicemail. Like I keep trying to work it out but I feel like the more I keep letting him back around me in my home he just treat me like I’m a joke, like she’s not gone leave me. He tells me I’m stuck when him and everything I wanna hear when he feeling like I’m serious and about to leave him when I really am serious. Like I love him with all my heart but im 21 I’m young I’m tired of fighting. But he has my heart and I really do wanna be happy. I wanna ignore him treat him how he do me because I’m a good women to him but I just feel like he got to comfortable. Please respond

        1. Hi Amilya!

          Ok… what you’ve got to do is sit down with him one night where you two don’t have any disruption. Tell him exactly what you feel and what you want out of this relationship. Ask him what he’s feeling ad what he wants. You two have to get on the same page of understanding so you can find your way back to each other. Once you do have the talk, you start planning. If he wants to work it out then you two need to plan an weekend outing or trip just the two of you so you can find some excitement and freshness. Rent a hotel room, and let adventure take hold of you two. Do something you both really like or try something new. If you need more help with Aquarius, check out my book “Aquarius Man Secrets”.

    3. Hi Brandy Holmes,

      If you’re totally fed up with him because you told him how you feel yet he keeps doing what he does, you should probably put your foot down and threaten to break it off. Tell him this is very serious for you and if he cannot work at changing things then you two should probably take a different direction. Perhaps that will give him some perspective. If he is truly busy though then there isn’t much that can be changed there other than waiting for him to be less busy. Trust what your gut tells you about it!

    4. I’ve been together with my aquarius man for 14 months and for the last 2,5 months he’s having family and financial probles. This made him really pushing me away and sensitive and get mad at me often while i really didn’t do anything wrong:( he’s been ignoring me now and then and came back for a few days then gone again, the cycle’s really getting annoying and hurting me. In some days he apologize and asks questions about why i’d still stuck around with him while he’s being a jerk. It has been 2,5 months and i really need help about what should i do to him. I really loved him and.

      1. I’m an aquarius woman and dating an aquarius man. We have have known each other since 2017 but we have never spoke to each other up until last year. And we started reacted on each other’s posts of facebook and then in beginning of May he texted me on facebook telling me that he wants me and because I wanted him to i saw no point of playing hard to get and then we exchanged numbers and then we agreed that ill be visiting him for the weekend and i did. And we enjoyed each other and when i was going back home he called and i called him as well telling him I safely arrived. Then on Monday he kept quiet and i decided to text him because I left him complaining with pains he had on his back. And we spoke like any couple and calling each with these sweet names. Then on Wednesday when i tried calling him in the morning he did not pick up and i thought maybe he was busy. And I kept quiet and he never got back to me and then I called him again on Thursday and he did not pick up. And then I went to facebook and only to find out he is online and then I sent him a text telling him I dont understand why he is doing this to me and that if I’m not the last for him he can just let me know so that i can let go of him instead of playing with my emotions and the i unfriended him on facebook. That was yesterday and he is still quiet even now and now i dont know what to do anymore. And I will not text him or call him again and I’m just hopping he calls me and explains to me what went wrong.
        Are there any chances for us to fix things?

  2. Why my Aquarius man still ignoring me almost a week ago he did not respond to my call and messages and a couple days ago he block me in what’s app maybe he annoying me maybe it’s my fault what can I do I’m Scorpio

    1. Hi Mary Jane binamira!

      It sounds like your Aquarius has basically cut ties with you. He figured out the relationship wasn’t working for him and rather than tell you that, he just ghosted you. I’m sorry that he did this to you. You don’t deserve that. It’s probably best you try to move on from him and find someone else that is committed as you are so that you don’t end up in this type of situation again.

      1. Hello, I met this Aquarius man a year ago. We met unexpectedly which I think he loved but the timing was a little bad as he was deployed for the military 2 weeks after meeting him. Before he was deployed we spent an amazing weekend together I even dropped him off at the airport. I felt an instant connection intellectually and emotionally which does not happen very often for me. We talked for maybe 2 months while he was deployed and he would always reach out to me and express his adoration for me. He went MIA on me and I called him out after 3 days of not hearing from him.. he basically was brutally honest with me and said he has a son he has to think about and that my professional drive did not match what he was looking for at that moment in time. It hurt me a lot because he knows I am a student and I am pursuing a future and career for myself. I found myself already caring for him so throughout his deployment I would pop in every so often and we would have small interactions with each other… sometimes he’d even flirt a bit with me again. Towards the end of his deployment he told me he was talking to someone and wanted to let me know.. he came back to the states and it was his ex wife he was talking to which did not workout and then another woman after that which until recently (a year later after I met him) did not work out either. He is a very logical man rather than emotional although he admits to knowing he needs to open up more… he started reaching out to me again and we ended up meeting up and picked up right where we left off. He expressed to me that he realized during our time apart that he deserves to be happy and he feels good when he’s with me. He also showed so much interest in who I’ve been seeing and talking to during the year we weren’t talking. He has been keeping up with my life throughout the year. N It must mean something if I’ve been on his mind still after a whole year right? So we start talking everyday for about 2 weeks before he starts to pull back and turn cold like he did before to me.. I once again call him out and ask him what’s going on and this time he says I made him feel like he was in a 7 y/o relationship and He just wanted to see where things went naturally. Which is unfair because I was 100% following his lead. We also didn’t really actually get to spend much time together since we started talking again so I also expressed to him that I felt he was shying me for sex and I don’t like to feel disrespected. He then said he didn’t think it was a good idea for us to continue this because I obviously do not want to just “go with the flow” which is true. I like him very much and could see myself loving him. So no, I do not want to go with the flow I want someone who is sure about me. I don’t like to play games.. we have since still had small conversations here and there and even had sex again recently but he does not text me everyday like he was and he has been liking my photos on social media but also other girls’ photos as well which he doesn’t usually do. I am thinking he is just wanting to be free and play the field.. I end up drunk texting him and demanding more of an answer from him to which he then reply’s that he doesn’t feel a spark for me like he thought he did and that I like him more than he likes me and it’s not fair to me. I refuse to believe that! I know he does like me I just think he wants to explore but then again he hasn’t slept with anyone else nor has he hung out with any other women (to my knowledge). So maybe he truly is done with me. It makes me feel horrible and I am hoping I still have a chance as he is still showing some little interest in me.

        1. Hi S!

          I think you are right. He wants to maintain his personal freedom to do what he wants. This is why it’s hard for an Aquarius to commit. They have to know with absolute certainty that the person they are with is the one. He clearly doesn’t know if you might be that person and so when he gets to feeling too close to you, he pulls back. Essentially he does like you but not sure if you’re someone he wants to sacrifice his freedom for… YET. Your hope would be here to give him time to sort himself out and choose what he wants. If you’d like some more information though, check out my books on Aquarius Man Secrets for more tips. Wishing you the best!

  3. Why is my Aquarius man keeps cancelling our appointment in the last minute.. he will ignore me for some months and comes back with one flimsy excuse.. he will start checking on me to know if I’m now with another person.. please why wouldn’t he be serious with our relationship or stop checking if I have given my heart to another person… stagitarius

    1. Hi Amanda!

      That is definitely something as a Sagittarius woman, you should ask him. Tell him how it makes you feel when he spies on you after he’s been gone for so long. Tell him if he wants to be with you then he needs to make it happen and if he doesn’t then he needs to move on and not worry about what you’re doing as it becomes none of his business. If you’d like to know more about Aquarius man, you may want to read my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more helpful information.

  4. Currently dating an Aquarius man (I’m a Taurus). He has shown me so much interest..talking to him multiple times a day, sweet text messages, making sure he comes to see me which has been so refreshing because I haven’t dated in a while. All of a sudden nothing…I am soooo confused because we both have been very vocal about out interest in each other. I haven’t reached but I want to.

    1. TaurusGirl – I’m in the exact same boat. I was getting so excited because we are so alike, at least I thought so. Texts and talking and making plans. And then zippity. He’ll respond when I text, but I have to initiate it every time. I’m not chasing. I’m a Taurus girl too, so I’d love to hear the outcome. Mostly love to stop playing games at this stage of life

      1. Hi Hhheeelllppp!

        Same thing for you darling. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your guy and make sure he knows that you’re thinking of him. Sometimes Aquarius men test their women to see if they will stay loyal and plugged in to them. If you want him to stop playing games, you need to tell him that you need more from him. Tell him it sure would be nice if he would initiate more and follow through. Speak up! If you’d like to know more about Aquarius man, you may want to read my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more helpful information.

    2. Hi TaurusGirl!

      If you want to reach out to him then you absolutely should. Don’t expect your Aquarius to always be the one to initiate otherwise you’re going to be disappointed. I wouldn’t reach out too often but there is nothing wrong with it being more equal with you two. If you’d like to know more about Aquarius man, you may want to read my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more helpful information.

  5. So there is this guy he is an aquarius and we started our conversation from 15 feb and it was all going good for the next 2 weeks ..but recently he didn’t even texted me back and it has been 10 days
    Like i now he is busy because of an event and all but he watches my stories and like back my posts and all ! And whenever we see each other like in a cafe but with different groups then sometimes i have seen him looking at me ! I just want to know whether he is interested in me or not ! Ps i am a libra in sun and moon in aquarius ?

    1. Hi Sukirti Verma!

      Oh my dear. You need to speak up and ask him honey. He’s not going to volunteer any information so it’s typically best if you’re up front and asking him for the truth of what he feels and what he wants so that you can either work with him or let him go. If you’d like to know more about Aquarius man, you may want to read my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more helpful information.

  6. I’m a libra woman

    We currently went to our ‘first date’ without us having some expectations. We went to a museum and hit it off quickly. It seemed that we do have a lot of common interests and talked non-stop for 5 hours and even forgot to eat afterwards since it was getting late and we have things to do. I thanked him for the wonderful time and said that I learned a lot since he’s a cerebral man. He then replied that he enjoyed as well and even said we should hang out if I’ll do free diving or hike a mountain. I replied and invited him to a camping experience that would last for 2 days haha but then, I have to back-out since I recently remembered I had prior commitments. He didn’t reply and it has been a while since we last talked, about a month or so–that was our last conversation. What do you think I should do? Do you think we have a chance to spark it all up? Thank you.

    1. Hi Jeane!

      I see no reason in the world for you to not reach out to him. Call him up and ask him how he’s doing and when he would like to get together again. He’ll be refreshed that you actually did this and most likely will make plans with you from there. Give it a shot! If you’d like to know more about Aquarius man, you may want to read my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more helpful information.

  7. Currently being ignored by my aquarian boyf of 15 months because I left his early on Sunday. No he is ignoring me, although he says he isn’t, on whatsapp frequently, just not to me. Reading messages and not responding.

    So for now, I’m leaving him to it.

    1. Hi Maz!

      Call him out on it. Tell him you notice him reading things and not responding. Tell him you feel he should talk to you a bit more as it makes you think that maybe he’s not into you anymore. He needs to absolutely be open and tell you what he feels or start making it up to you. If he doesn’t after that then by all means, walk away. If you’d like to know more about Aquarius man, you may want to read my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more helpful information.

    1. Hi frederique!

      Why is he ignoring you? Did you do something or is he just randomly really shut off? If you reach out to him and he doesn’t respond then you need to just leave him be. Either he needs a dose of the silent treatment OR he needs to wake up and start talking to you. You deserve better! If you’d like to know more about Aquarius man, you may want to read my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more helpful information.

  8. I’m a Gemini so Aquarius should be the perfect match normally but not with this one I met though.

    Everything started well when I met him (it was with a friend of mine and totally spontaneous). I didn’t even have to introduce myself it all was easy-going. Although I’m a bit shy after a while I got his attention but we kept talking to the lowest. The talking developed in rather physical touch which we both enjoyed. We all had a very nice time and even planned the next activities for the couple days. Unfortunately I had to cancel because of family circumstances and promised to join in the others days. But all of a sudden there were no other meetings as a group anymore and he wanted to meet me alone. When I was with him I had something going on with and he stated he would do it more often but is not interested in a relationship. I totally agreed on that and thought we would get any friendship out of it. The days after we still texted a bit and tried to arrange new meetings without success. He increasingly started to ignore my texts or stories but I’m trying to be patient and not texting him for now. Maybe the reason is that he started to work again and is really busy nevertheless I’m worried to did something wrong. Even if it’s hard to I need to stay calm and see what’s the outcome of this.

    1. I find dealing with an Aquarius can be very frustrating, we can talk, flirt and sext alot and he checks.my messages right away, other times not so much and there are periods of silence and it seems like hot and cold behaviour, when we talk we make each other happy, he makes me smile and when I get no answer it hurts, upsets, pisses me off and makes me angry, I know alot of articles say don’ t call guys out BUT sometimes they need to be called out on their shitty behaviour wether it’ s conscious behaviour or not, even if it creates further silence, Its funny how they can do things to you but when you do it to them they don’ t like it so much, I have backed off of him and haven’ t been texting and if/ when he does I may let him wait abit, then read and not reply, may sound like games but after awhile maybe he’ ll get how I feel.

      1. Hi N!

        Either he’ll get it or he’ll think that maybe you’ve decide to move on and he’ll just go ahead and move on with someone else. It’s not a for sure tactic that brings success sweetheart. You may want to just ask him what the deal is and see if he answers you. Aquarius will often tell you the truth when you ask him flat out what is going on. Just a thought. If you’d like to know more about Aquarius man, you may want to read my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more helpful information.

    2. Hi Maria!

      I think it’s a combination of being busy and trying to ensure that you understand it’s just a friendship. He may be afraid that you’re thinking there may still be something else going on and he doesn’t want you to get the wrong impression so he pulls back. There could be more to it but it’s up to you to find out and ask him what the deal is. If you’d like to know more about Aquarius man, you may want to read my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more helpful information.

  9. My aqua hasn’t reached out in a month. I was initiating all the time and now I’ve stopped reaching out to see if he would and he hasn’t. It’s very inconsiderate of him to just ignore me for so long. We don’t text much anyway so I didn’t think about it at first. He doesn’t like talking on the phone or video chat so we just text. But now it’s been a long time and I’m wondering should I move on.

    1. Hi Krista!

      Before you move on, reach out to him and ask him if he’s still into you or not. My guess is that he will either ignore you or he’ll message you back saying he’s been busy, etc. At least you may get some sort of answer out of him but if you don’t, it’s your queue to move on. At that point you’ll know you did all you could from your side. If you’d like to know more about Aquarius man, you may want to read my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more helpful information.

  10. My Aquarius man has shown a great number of these traits, after our 1st year together. However, I am an Aries woman and we can both be pretty spicy at times, and not in a sexual sense. We’re both very competitive and don’t back down at times, to where I have to remind myself that I have to allow a man to take the lead to see how he leads. And to stop being overly opinionated, or try to control situations that are beyond my control. I’ve been told in the past I’m a ball-buster or dream crusher, and that it’s not very lady-like. So what do you do?
    The hot & cold use to bother me, but he’s got a life as do I, and we’re building it to get to the next level, to get what we want out of this life. One thing is for certain though, is that there were times I felt like we were drifting apart, but we actually fell back together because we didn’t hinder the other from getting what we want, or, doing the things that we need to do, or get done and then sharing what we’ve been up to when we were apart. So with an Aquarius man, be secure with yourself and do you. And if you feel something isn’t right, 9 times out of 10 – your gut is probably telling you what your heart already knows, but the mind is not willing to admit. Whatever “IT” is (i.e. insecurity, infidelity, control, past experiences, including childhood environment/upbringing) these are questions you need to ask yourself that shape how you think, feel and are in relationships.

    1. Hi Kaila!

      Ahhh beautiful! I love it! So many women are afraid to talk to their Aquarius man for fear of rejection but if you don’t talk to him he has no idea or he just chalks it up to you not caring. It’s a miscommunication most people have. I think when you have the doors open on both sides, you learn a lot about each other and can have a successful relationship. I’m glad you’ve figured it out. Bravo! If you’d like to know more about Aquarius man, you may want to read my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more helpful information.

  11. I have been seeing an Aquarius now for just under a year and can say I’ve experienced these traits as well. I’m a sagittarius and am pretty independent and easy going but this guy takes it to a whole new level. At the moment I’m leaving him be as I’ve picked up vibes that he wants some space. We left things two weeks ago on a good note but he doesn’t seem to be engaging with me. We’re both pretty terrible at talking about any kind of emotion but I’m trying to at least show him my vulnerable side. He’s still so closed off but I’ve noticed lately he can get a nervous around me and fidgets a lot, so while he doesn’t open up I wonder if this is somewhat of a sign that he has some feelings. Does anyone know what it means when they do this?! It’s a mystery that as a typical sag girl I’m keen to solve!

    1. Hi Renee!

      If he’s nervous when he’s around you then I’d say yes, he likes you and isn’t sure how to process it. Either that or he has some terrifying fears about being with you due his past problems. Either way, I think with time, that should all fade and you two will be more comfortable. Hang in there and be patient. If you’d like to know more about Aquarius man, you may want to read my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more helpful information.

  12. I have liked my Aquarius man since 2018 since we work in the same agency and was really happy when we became close in November 2019. I always invite him to hang out almost weekly and he would always agree. And we were also communicating via messenger or text. It went on until mid-March 2020. He suddenly became cold to me. I was left mentally anxious and emotionally hurt when he would’nt reply to my messages. He said that he was busy and doesn’t always hold his phone. I was ok with it because I know Aquarians need their freedom. During lockdown, we weren’t seeing each other since we worked from home. He grew colder and colder. For him to know that I really care even if he’s busy, I unintentionally smothered him with sweet msgs and attention. He ignored most of my msgs and replied only with few words. I can really feel his lack of care for me since he never asks about me. Finally, I had the guts to ask him thru chat messenger why he’s being too silent lately. He said that he’s trying to avoid social media and he’s trying to adjust to something. He said that he wanted to talk about it with me personally. By May 11, 2020 we arranged to have lunch outside our office to talk. He said he’s still not ready for commitment. He’s not comfortable with intimacy. But we could still hang out as friends. He said that I shouldnt treat him as a baby and that we should equally spend as much money when we go out. I was hurt but also a little happy that I could still be with him. Yet, he still ignored my msgs. He would reply after some hours with just one to three words. I messaged him lesser and lesser. The longest I havent mssged him is only 4days because I keep missing him. It breaks my heart to see him at the office yet cannot be with him because he’s in a different division. I want him back so bad. ?? It breaks my heart because we havent even started anything and he’s already running away. And now when he see’s that Im active online and messaged him, he would go offline right away. He’d stay like that all day, only replying to my Good Morning with “Morning”. Im scared that he might be communicating with some other girl thats not me. Im just scared of losing him. ? I’m a Scorpio woman by the way and my Aqua man is 4yrs younger than me. Please help me out. ? Also, how do I know our moon and sun signs?

    1. Hi Vette!

      I am sorry you’re feeling hurt by your Aquarius guy. It does sound like he was pretty honest with you though. He doesn’t want a commitment and is fearful of intimacy which is why he doesn’t respond to your messages the way you’d like. I suspect that’s not going to change any time soon. It doesn’t do you any good to obsesses if he’s talking to other women or not. You have not control over it. Let it go. Try the friendship route and back off a bit and you just may find success over time. If you’d like to know more about Aquarius man, you may want to read my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more helpful information.

      1. I’m a Scorpio woman and I’ve been getting to know this Aquarius man for 4 months. It was a one in million chance the way that we meet. Initially, I had no plans on getting to know him because he was in town visiting, and I had no desire of long distance dating, but after great conversation, an amazing weekend together, and him pursuing me more; I decided to be more open. When he returned home he texted me every morning and we would talk for hours. We shared so many common interest. Each month one of us will travel to see the other. Last time we were together was amazing so I thought, but I noticed a shift in his text and phone calls. I didn’t panic because I read that Aquarius men need space and he also was busy traveling so I didn’t want to bother him, but once he returned from traveling he started to respond less. I spoke up and told him “I’m here for him.” He thanked me, but his behavior remained the same, so I didn’t want to pressure him and gave him his space. For a few days he appeared to be back to his old self and his last text was so sweet. It has now been 2 weeks and I have not heard or spoken to him. I reached out to do a wellness check, but still no response. I noticed he’s been active online and noticed he blocked me once I viewed his page. I just was making sure he was alive. I am so confused at this point. Common since tells me I’ve been ghosted so I haven’t tried to text or call anymore. I’m trying to move on, but the questions in my head won’t allow me. I can’t understand why he would just go silent with no explanation.

  13. I’m a Gemini woman and met my male Aquarius Thursday and he wanted to talk all day and night but I work and run 2 businesses. He text me that he didn’t think I was interested in him. I text him and let him know that wasn’t the case. He text me that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me then went cold by the 3rd day.

    1. Hi Lori Klein!

      He’s moving far too fast for a typical Aquarius. That worries me. Telling you he wants to spend his life with you is quite a jump. I think that you may be avoiding a bad thing. When Aquarius goes to fast, he typically regrets it and then his partner ends up hurt. Please be careful. Keep doing what you need to do and if he is true to his feelings, he’ll be good to you. If not then you’re not losing much. If you’d like to know more about Aquarius man, you may want to read my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more helpful information.

  14. They test you a lot they are very sensitive creatures and love extremely hard there afraid of their own
    Emotions… I’m a Leo woman this Aquarius man cannot live without me …. but he often pulls back a lot after studying them ..,. They want u to b their Bestfriend love them with no obligations genuinely care for them pick their brain listen to them it’s a lot but they don’t want to be tied down they want that naturally not forcefully lord its a task especially all these dam test he’s frightened by me because He knows
    I’m the one they become frightened because they are really soft

    1. Hi Nuna!

      Yes they are sensitive even though they don’t want anyone to realize it. Yes, they want you to be their best friend but they also want space sometimes. I’m glad you’ve figured your guy out. This may help you find great success with your Aquarius. Good for you. Keep up the great work! If you’d like to know more about Aquarius man, you may want to read my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more helpful information.

  15. My main issue with my guy is that is seems like I’m an option, not the priority I used to be when he was convincing me to commit to him. We have a history where he hurt me very badly 2 times in a row with his moodiness and letting others turn him against me (jealous women). When I stand up for my boundaries (I feel like he only has time for me in the bedroom alot of the time) he blows up. I can’t say anything that challenges him. We have been good friends for around 8 years and I’ve known him longer..I miss the friend he was to me and now I’m on the side of the fence where he doesn’t tell me everything like he used to. It makes me feel like he doesn’t respect me anymore. It hurts!

    1. Hi Rhonda!

      If you’re not the priority then by all means, speak up to him and tell him that you feel he’s not treating you well enough. If you live in fear of challenging him then you’re short changing yourself sweetheart. You don’t have to be brash when you talk to him but tell him “I feel like you’ve been pulling back and I miss the way that things were, can we please spend a little time together”. That’s a loving way to do it without making him feel bad or guilty. Give it a try. If you would like to know more about Aquarius man, check out my book “Aquarius Man Secrets”.

  16. Hey good evening. I am dating an Aquarius man who I love so much. I thank God for making me meet him cos he has made me discover somethings about me and at the time I have learnt a lot. He has been so sweet and all to me for the past 9 months plus but of resent he hasn’t been contacting me As he use to and reaching out to my message but we still talk to each other a few times, I just noticed that when we talk it’s like he wants to cut me short or sometimes moody. And it is getting me worried if I did something wrong but I can’t seem figure out what it is. On the 6th of October I sent him a message saying this.** Good morning, love….. I feel so safe when I am with you but the opposite when you aren’t with me.
    I just hope you are doing things rightly and taking care of yourself the way I love it. Have a great day! I love you **. Then he replied me with this.
    **Good morning love… thank you for feeling safe … I pray you feel safe always cos I’m intricately linked to you.. love you baby**. I don’t know what he really means by this and how to react to his actions. I have tried to find out what the problem is but he sounds cold and all to himself

    1. Hi Baby!

      Ok well it sounds to me like he is letting you know he feels very tied to you and close which is why he’s calling you love and telling you he loves you. There shouldn’t be any confusion there. Aquarius men can come off as cold and uncaring but that is only how people can perceive them. They aren’t always like that and I think that you’re over thinking things.If you aren’t sure you can certainly ask him for clarity. You might want to check out my book “Aquarius Man Secrets” for more information you can use!

  17. Hi, I met this aquarius guy and everything was going well. We both really liked each other.We definitely had a connection.He told me things about himself he never told anyone else. We were about to start dating. One day i had an emotional outbursts actually i was upset about something but he kinda triggered it and i took it all out on him. After that i apologized, texted him,called him and literally begged him to come back but he gave me a lame excuse and told me to forgive and forget and then disappeared. I donno what to do. Please help.

    1. Hi tiana!

      It seems he thinks that you’re very emotional and Aquarius doesn’t deal really well with people who are this way. Saying “forgive and forget” means that he is ready to just moved on. I wouldn’t beg him anymore honey otherwise you’re going to push him further away from him. There are better things you can try and I have plenty of information for you to try in my book “Aquarius Man Secrets”. You may want to read it!

  18. I’m in a relationship with an Aquarian man and iv realized if i was not interested in zodiac signs i would of broken this long ago with my guy. Knowing what kind of people Aquarian’s are gave me a clear understanding of my guy but at times he still confuses me.

    1. Hi Sinlie!

      Yes Aquarius men can be confusing and complicated. Good thing that you are able to read my articles. You can also check out my book which may help you. Try reading “Aquarius Man Secrets” as it may help you be less confused and able to “get” who he is. Blessings to you!

  19. I have an aquarius male friend I have been dealing with for roughly 8yrs. He often says he wants to see me and will make plans. The next day when we are supposed to meet up I don’t hear from him. So I sometimes will send a text to try to jog his memory just in case he may have forgotten and I get no reply. It really makes me mad because I feel like he’s being very inconsiderate to not reply back. What are your thoughts on this?

    1. Hi Kim!

      He probably really means it and wants to do it when he agrees to it but then other stuff comes up and he changes his mind. He sounds flaky but perhaps there is something going on in his life that is making him feel this way. He could be secretly depressed or have some sort of anxiety that keeps him from getting out and doing things. I think I would tell him exactly what you’ve told me and then tell him that he needs to either be there or you’re going to move on. Give that a shot!

  20. I am Involved with an Aquarius man (maybe over 3 years) I am a Leo Woman. We were childhood sweethearts and a circumstance put us in the same place 35 years later. I have seen the progression in the relationship. It took time to understand him, I still don’t, but I don’t allow it to upset me. It is really hard at times, you need a lot of patience. The Highs and Lows, the inconsistency, You have to understand how really sensitive they are. It’s very hard because they have such a cold exterior. He does go MIA, but not as often. Returning like he hasn’t ignored a week of messages. As a Leo Woman I take everything personal, and don’t really understand how this could be conceived as a normal relationship. At times it more like a friendship. He is more loving, more inclusive, we have better communication now. It has been a very slowing progression to the point we are at now, still a lot of testing me, and I actually hate that, and I am not the most patient person with people and mood swings. Can Leo Woman and Aquarius Man last long term. ( Leo trait).

    1. Hi Chevelle!

      I’m so very glad that you were able to learn to communicate with him the way that works for you two. You sound like you really love him enough to accept him as he is. This is beautiful and I am so very proud to hear this. Yes, slow progression and testing goes on especially if they are wounded from their past. He wants to be totally sure you’re with him and won’t walk away. he really doesn’t want to get hurt. Yes the two can last long term if you put in the effort. Sounds like you are! Bravo. Need more tips? Check out my book “Aquarius Man Secrets”.

  21. Like all of you same traits…but i read a lot to know how to deal with him ans understand him and i do…btw im a scorpio a totaly different personality…but i love him so dearly…i give him his space…he works hard.
    First month of relationship we talked each day and night he was amazing caring…suddenly one day he woke up late to work cos we spent all night chatting….so he changed!!! I know he loves his work and he was honnest to tell me he wants to be perfect in his job so we ll not talk anymore at night.I was ok with it….but during the day he has notime…he runs between shifts…he barely replies to my msgs….but i know he is honnest cos i investigated for 2 weeks and he s not online anywhere…just working hard.
    Then suddenly he went silent…so after 3 days i called to know whats happening….he said he truely loves me and apologized a lot….and after one week he went silent again….after 4 days i tried to know if he is ok…he was sick so Aquarius goes into hia shell in this case….after one week went silent again….so i wanted to clarrify things….i couldnt even speek he started apologizing i know ur sad i know ur mad…call me several times till i answer text me answer u idiot and i will….i told him no i dont like it this way u have ur own space as u like but call when u have time thats all it matters….now its been 4 days no calls no texts…he goes online for 5 mins to see my story like my posts and poof vanish till the next day.
    Welllllll…i know he s honest but this is not a relationship…i told him once uf u dont have time to pick ur phone how u will have time to see me or date me….

    1. Hi Lara!

      It sounds like he’s playing head games because he doesn’t fully know what he wants. You might try the silent treatment. Don’t contact him. Make him come after you to prove he cares. If he doesn’t make the effort to do it then he’s not as into it as you are so you might have to reconsider your options and figure out if he’s even worth it anymore. If you would like more help, check out my book “Aquarius Man Secrets”.

  22. I’m a pisces woman and I like this aquarius guy. Well he’s a aqua-pisces cusp. I greeted him on new year and didnt respond to his reply, then after a few days he hits me up and we start hanging out. The first few days were nice and we were really getting to know each other but then he acts so distant and suddenly tells me that he’s courting another girl. So I decided to try to be distant to because he liked another girl. After a while his replies becames slower and dry. I tried not messaging him first and he did message me but the next day when I didn’t initiate the convo, he didn’t message me again. And now, I’m afraid that we won’t talk again. I wanna msg him but i’m scared to push him away.

    1. Hi Jane!

      He’s courting another girl? Oh my gosh. He isn’t investing in you if he’s doing that and his actions are showing you just as much. I’m so sorry. I don’t think you’re pushing him away. He’s pulling himself away. I’d walk away from him. If he ever decides he does want you, he’ll make the effort to pursue you but you don’t need to put anymore effort into this guy. You can find much better.

  23. I have been friends with and Aquarius man for 20 years and there has always been a thing between us when i was younger i told him i liked him and asked him out constantly but he always said i was too young. I was. We have grown up in the same town know each others families and it would be so easy for us. We shared a night together about a month ago and it was like nothing I’ve ever experienced. He was so loving and made so much eye contact and engagrd with me in a way I’ve never know. It was an incredible night and it all felt so right. 20 years i had wanted this and so had he. He told me about memories of me and i of him. I have always pictured this man as the person i end up with and i have manifested without even realizing it for years. He said he would like to catch up again soon. I offered something light and fun like go carting he was keen but is always busy. Which is something i love about him cause i am to but he goes Mia. Has said he.couldnt twice and hasnt asked me out as a follow up. Im.so confused but i still feel like there is so much there. I cant deny how we are together

    1. Hi Danielle!

      Aquarius men are notorious for doing disappearing acts. This nothing new I’m afraid. They get to feeling overwhelmed with life or with their connection and so they try to take a break for themselves but in doing so they aren’t telling their partner that they are taking this small reprieve. I would ask him flat out what is going on and if he still wants to be with you. He should give you the truth. These men are not forthcoming until you ask them flat out what you want or need to know. Give it a shot! Wish you all the best.

  24. I’m Capri dating a aquarium man. He’s adorable, very polite and kind but he doesn’t open about himself- he talks about his job, politics and etc but not personal life- I really like him. But I’m about to end the relationship. He doesn’t give updates about his plans- takes forever to txt me back – I don’t want to waist my time..ready to move on!

    1. Hi Ester!

      Alright darling, you need to speak up and tell him what you want. Tell him it’s not right to leave you hanging. Ask him if he wants to get closer to you or no. He should pretty much tell you whether or not he wants to further things with you or if he feels it’s not working. An Aquarius man just like any man will give you lots of attention when they care about you unless he’s too focused on his personal freedom. Call him out on it and he’ll tell you.

  25. I’m a Virgo and after 23 years of a difficult marriage we both decided to give it our all and make it work. But I still struggel to know what really makes him happy.

    Thank you for all you wonderful articles.?

    1. Hi Yolandi!

      Congratulations on trying to make it work. It sounds like you two really love each other and that is a beautiful thing. I’m so glad my articles are helpful but if you want to get even more information, you might want to check out my books on Aquarius Man Secrets. It could give you even more useful information to go forward with your guy in harmony. Sometimes knowing him makes things better. I hope to see you in my email queue!

  26. Hi, I’ve been dating my Aquarius man for 2.5yrs, (I’m Taurus) he chased me and we texted everyday, sometimes through the day, with him constantly telling me he couldn’t wait to see me. He was going through some tough personal issues with family, but always talked openly about it with me. He always came to me when needed to vent, needed to feel better and for me to pick him up when he was down. I’ve always supported him and been there for him and didn’t mind when he didn’t respond once every so often as just thought he was busy. He’s always been busy but usually made time to chat and meet. He had lots stress, told me he couldn’t spend time for a little while but was missing me. I gave him space and when reached out he was into me and telling me he wanted to see me again. He then started ignoring and confused the hell out of me as wasn’t just the odd time. I ask asked him why and if had upset him and he always apologised saying he was busy. We keep following same cycle and hate to admit I did act a little needy, only because him acting hot & cold really threw me. I had been on my own a while before met him ( my choice) and dont let people in easily but with him it was easy and I fell in love. He had lots of pressure for Lockdown and still very busy but when I call him out for ignoring me and say it’s ok if wants to stop, he always apologises, but then ignores again. Please help, I don’t want to give up on him, been so patient but don’t know what else to do now? I still give him space in between and he does eventually text back, sometimes with sexting lol but am so confused right now. Should I just cut my losses, I hate how needy it makes me seem or act as I still text, as per beginning, to let him know am thinking of him. Thanks

    1. Hi Maura!

      Alright so what you need to do is have patience with him. Aquarius do love their personal space and time. Yes, he likes it when you give him that space. Acting needy will chase him off. He likes independence in a woman. I would suggest pulling back a little and seeing where it leads you two. My thought is that he will reach out to you when you’re not reaching out to him. If you pick up and try to keep reaching out to him, he will not respond or will take a long time to respond. I would like to suggest asking him where the two of you stand and what he wants. Aquarius me will answer honestly. If you would like more help, check out my books on Aquarius Man Secrets. Many blessings!

  27. So i have been with my aquarius for 2 and half years, going on 3 on the 18th of may. We currently met on a gaming platform called twitch, We started speaking and just connected (i am a taurus/gemini) right in the cusp, Anyway he ended up visiting me in australia and he lives in the US, he has been here about 2 or 3 times already but since COVID has happened it’s been unknown, Things were going fine start of the year and now the past couple weeks he’s been acting off i do know he suffers a bit of depression and i know he hates his job and his home life isn’t overly that good so that could possibly be the cause for this. But the other week and weeks before we were texting we hung out on discord (which is like skype) and gamed alot as we both like games, But i also for a while found myself distancing a bit as the stresses with life that i have going on and he was always trying to be affectionate and loving and i just basically rejected it because of how stressed i was and the more he text the more i became annoyed and didnt text as much so maybe that has alot to do with it as well or maybe not. But anyway since thursday last week i did text him and i did the thing i shouldn’t i panicked i asked do you still want me to be loving in text, do you still wanna be with me bla bla bla and i sent so many which i now regret, then the last one i did send is if you care about us and about our relationship you will find time to talk to me, and then i proceeded to say i am always here for you, you can always talk to me your not a burden (just to show i am there) but also said but i am also going to respect your boundaries, So then he did eventually say ‘Yes we have a lot to talk about which we will talk about sometime soon! I just had my covid shot so im going to be a zombie now(sluggish i guess?) and then i haven’t heard a thing since, i did send him a couple snapchats which mind you he did open but didn’t say anything and i sent him a text today, as i’ve recently just got into anime and i know he likes anime i thought i’d text just hey hope your alright, and is there any anime you recommend and nothing. He hasn’t blocked me on anything im still on his netflix account with my profile, we’re still friends on each gaming platform, social media i haven’t been blocked nothing. And now i hear absolutely nothing and it’s really just been so hard but then again its only been a few days and im trying my best to just do things for me but when your so used to talking to the person about the great thing that happened its kinda heartbreaking you know? So im just wondering what do you guys think of this exactly, i know i really just have to back off more and let him come to me, But the silence sometimes is so hurtful and when you go online and see him online playing a game all them emotions come flooding in and you feel mad, sad, crying and distraught but then you snap back and think you don’t know anything right now, and also i think im afraid of the answer because i truly love the guy but also i think he needs some space is that what you guys think? I know at the beginning it was truly wonderful and he was so loving and caring so when this is the first time i’ve experienced this in 2 and half years its weird to me and i dont know how to be 🙁

    1. Hi Mia!

      Sometimes Aquarius man needs a bit of time to sort through their lives. They also enjoy having personal freedom not answering to anyone. That’s a HUGE Aquarius trait. Just a few days isn’t that big of a deal to him. I know you don’t like the silence but this is who he is so either you’ll need to accept it or leave him be to find someone who is more in tune with you. You shouldn’t change who you are for anyone but you also have to be open to unconditional love with someone where you both accept each other “as is”. You can also tell him that you hate the silence and need him to connect a little more. You really should read my books on Aquarius Man Secrets as they may help you understand him a bit better.

  28. Yes thats right, im really confuse about him. He just broke up 2 months ago and said to me “maybe i will single for 3 years but i dont know if there was someone match…it could be happened”

    Perhaps his statement is quite clear to me, but im still curious about him

    1. Hi DT!

      Maybe this maybe that? That’s frustrating. I wouldn’t wait around on him sweetheart. Do your thing and and make yourself happy. If he truly cares, he’ll be back or MAYBE he won’t. Seriously he doesn’t sound worth your energy. He’s playing with your head saying those sorts of things to you.

  29. We had a big argument and it was because I was coming across as insecure, and he got really angry. I have apologized a number of times and he said the fight is over and to forget about it. I have explained myself and also said that I will work on my insecurities which he responded to with a bunch of kiss and hug emojis. I am now getting the silent treatment but he says he is taking time to process everything so I told him to take all the time he needs. He responded to this with a string of kiss emojis. It has now been two days and I am struggling with my patience.

    1. Hi Meg!

      I know it’s a hard thing to do when someone asks you for time. If he responded with a string of kisses though, that’s great. It means he doesn’t have intentions on hurting you. He clearly cares. With you both working on yourself then all you can do is go up right?! You’ve so got this but if in the meantime, you need more guidance, you should check out my books! I wish you the best!

  30. I need advice since I’m going crazy.
    I met an Aquarius in march, I instantly fell in love with her (she is so beautiful and smart). We talk (not often because she always leaves me on read), but I confronted her about it. She said that she will change for me and that her friends always complain about the fact that she never responds.
    I’m a Cancer so I overthink and over-feel everything, I already told her about this and, as I said, she said that she will change. I told her how I was feeling and she stayed till 2 am answering me and listening to me. I have never seen her be a bit emotional, so It was a great surprise. However, in the mid of our conversation, she left and answered the next day. Does she even like me? Does she even care about me?
    I have watched several tarot readings but I’m exhausted. I need answers but I don’t want to push her away. I told her that I’m so tired of people not responding to me (including her), so I have to change to what I used to be, cold and distant. She said that she will always support whatever decision I make. I didn’t expect this response, I’m used to Earth and Water signs saying more emotional things. Weeks later and she hasn’t changed at all. I’m trying to give her space but I’m so in love with her (she doesn’t know that I have a crush on her).

    1. Hi Rosie!

      Yes, you require a bit more attention and affection than an Aquarius does. The older an Aquarius gets the more they will show emotion so don’t worry about that too much. They have walls and protect themselves. It takes the right person to be patient and tear those walls down. The thing is honey, I think you need to work on your need to have people respond. This is an expectation you have on others and when they don’t, you’re deeply hurt or annoyed. That’s not good for you. You have to learn the art of not expecting answers. If you can do that, you won’t be so disturbed when they’re not answering. I hope that makes sense. I suggest meditations for “letting go of control”. They work amazingly well. Aquarius isn’t much for texting to be really honest. I think that’s the main malfunction here. You want it and she doesn’t like it. I think she does care about you though otherwise she would have already shut you out 100%. If it’s too much for you then you always can choose to move on. Trust your gut always! I wish you the best!

  31. I’m a Cancer woman and I met an Aquarius in march, I instantly fell in love with her (she is so beautiful and smart). We talk (not often because she always leaves me on read), but I confronted her about it. She said that she will change for me and that her friends always complain about the fact that she never responds.
    I’m a Cancer so I overthink and over-feel everything, I already told her about this and, as I said, she said that she will change. I told her how I was feeling and she stayed till 2 am answering me and listening to me. I have never seen her get a bit emotional, so It was a great surprise. However, in the mid of our conversation, she left and answered the next day. Does she even like me? Does she even care about me?
    I have watched several tarot readings but I’m exhausted. I need answers but I don’t want to push her away. I told her that I’m so tired of people not responding to me (including her), so I have to change to what I used to be, cold and distant. She said that she will always support whatever decision I make. I didn’t expect this response, I’m used to Earth and Water signs saying more emotional things. Weeks later and she hasn’t changed at all. I’m trying to give her space but I’m so in love with her (she doesn’t know that I have a crush on her).

  32. Hi Anna,

    I love love love your writing about the Aquarius man. I’m a 38 year old woman and in love with an 25 year old man. It was love at first sight, for sure.

    We saw each other a couple of times. And last time he said he’s in love with me and also that he loves me. He did drink, but was not drunk. That ‘I love you part’ was so fast for me, I could not respond to it. And allthough I’m sure I’m in love with him I did not want him to know already, so I only responded by saying that I could fall for him for sure.

    I noticed a bit of silence after that date. He does send me messages now and then. But still has not invite me for another date.

    Should I tell him I’m also in love with him? Or should I not? And does Aquarius man like to be invited or should I wait untill he suggests something?

    Good to know is that he telling me he’s in love with me and that he loves me felt really genuine. He did say it a couple of times in a few minutes, as if he wanted me to really know that.

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