Hello, sweethearts, it’s time to delve into the horoscope reading for your Aquarius man for November, which gets off to a cracking good start with the New Moon…
As you know, the New Moon is the green light for decisions, brand-new activity, taking initiative, and being pioneering, so there’s no excuse to delay. As soon as the month begins, you can get the starter motor of passion and energy going and there’s impetus for your sex life, particularly as the New Moon is in Scorpio.
Now, the New Moon happens around a similar time that Mercury heads into Sagittarius, indicating a great time for humor to be used in relationships, particularly to diffuse tension and as a persuasive tool.
It’s also a time to be forgiving and to think big. Mars is also heading into Leo on the fifth, which adds to the fiery nature of all the planets, particularly as the Sun also heads into Sagittarius, as we know, at month-end.
Therefore, there is an inspiring collection of energies that will add enthusiasm and a little bit of fun into your life, but remember to be experimental and to use the energy of Mars in Leo to drive through with determination.
Read also: What 2024 New Moon in Scorpio Means for You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign
Here’s what the stars have in store for an Aquarius Man this November…
New Moon in Scorpio – 1st of November
Exciting times for an Aquarius man, and he’s particularly focused on the outside world. That means issues to do with his career, his image, and any public relations he does as part of his career are really important to him. On the other hand, it can be quite a nervous time.
An Aquarius man can have issues in terms of not always being socially confident. In a way, he loves people, but in another way, they can make him quite nervous. So, it’s important that you give him a lot of encouragement and support, and maybe some good feedback on how he’s coming across.
Sometimes right now, he can be just a little bit arrogant, and it’s usually a lack of confidence that’s making him come over this way. This could affect your relationship or it could affect the image he’s trying to create in his career, so do bear that in mind. Remind him to be a little less rigid, more toned down. If it’s you he’s being arrogant with, it’s just insecurity and a little bit of latent competitiveness.
Mercury enters Sagittarius – 3rd of November
Now, this particular placement is absolutely ideal for an Aquarius man. In effect, it stimulates many of his innate characteristics, and those are being open-minded, wanting to engage with people, and being highly communicative.
However, it can also exacerbate traits that are rather erratic, bohemian, changeable, and unpredictable, which can make him a rather unreliable character right now. If you are friends or friends with benefits, expect the unexpected when it comes to an Aquarius man, and do be a little bit careful because he can play fast and loose with your emotions.
Right now, everything to him is a bit of a game and a bit of an experiment, and he doesn’t always take other people’s feelings seriously. So, do be careful not to invest too much emotionally in the relationship.
Whether you are friends or married to him, it’s important to work on the companionship, camaraderie, and friendship between you. Make sure conversation is stimulating and open, but definitely don’t be clingy or needy with him right now, or he’ll be running a mile.
Mars enters Leo – 5th of November
Now, this is a particularly important phase for an Aquarius man as it energizes the relationship sector of his chart. This means he’s very keen to do teamwork and to act in unison with a partner.
He also gets lonely and likes to be continually surrounded by people, so it’s a very sociable time for him, but it’s also a fast-paced time. He wants relationships to be invigorating and exciting, and he can get bored quickly if the relationship is either moving too slowly or being too confining.
The key to keeping his attention is setting goals, motivating him, and making sure you’re achieving those goals. It’s also a great time for you guys to tackle any problems you share, so be courageous, forthright, and make this a time to get over a hurdle or solve a problem.
This is a time when there can be arguments and battles of will in relationships, and that’s why it’s important that you align your energies against a common goal or target, rather than fighting against each other. Form a united team and do something constructive.
Venus enters Capricorn – 12th of November
Now, the important thing to understand with this placement is that what you reap, you will sow. Karma is very active in love, and it’s important to do the right things for the right reasons. It’s essential to keep track of any resentment or anger you’re feeling, lest you project that onto an Aquarius man.
It’s important to understand the spiritual aspects of your journey, and that’s why being authentic, honest, and compassionate is vitally important now.
Kindness and compassion are always winning traits when it comes to Aquarius in love and relationships, and this is very much so now. So, it’s key to show him that kindness and compassion are core to your nature.
Sun enters Sagittarius – 23rd of November
This represents a competitive time for an Aquarius man, a time when he feels quite energized and eager to make his mark on the world. This is a time when his interests are sometimes a distraction from the relationship, so you can’t live in each other’s pockets.
It’s important to be tolerant and supportive of him in all his aims, but it’s also a chance for you as a couple to understand the true potential of your relationship. That means always thinking bigger…
You don’t want to box yourself into narrow expectations, so as a couple, you should always be thinking of the best way to enhance your relationship and your lives together.
Pluto enters Aquarius – 20th of November
This is an extremely significant placement for an Aquarius man because Pluto will now be in Aquarius for at least 16 years, providing ample opportunity for transformation, personal growth, and a whole revolution in terms of his destiny. It is the beginning of an enormous journey, and it’s important that you acknowledge that.
This is a time when there will be extremely important developments that will shape his and your life together. If you’ve just met, it could be destined to be an amazing karmic relationship.
Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius – 26th November
Now, this retrograde has an impact on your relationship, particularly if you and your Aquarius man, are still in the stage of flirting, friends with benefits, or early stages of dating because it tends to be more difficult to connect with him. He may appear to have cold feet, or you could question his feelings.
Now, one of the problems with Mercury retrograde for is it increases his level of indecisiveness and also his levels of impatience, so he’s likely to have low concentration and be poorly focused and when it comes to relationships, you can feel that he is inattentive, and it can be really difficult to gauge his intentions right now.
So be patient; don’t be stressed if you don’t get the signals you’re looking for. Wait until the retrograde period is over to really move forward on your relationship. In terms of couples, it’s important to have variety in your life, mainly with friends and going out socially, simply because his restless bored side is activated.”
Themes for an Aquarius Man this November 2024…
Energy is one of the big themes, along with enthusiasm, motivation, and seeing the big picture. It’s important to be inspiring to an Aquarius man and for you to work hard to get the motor of your relationship running, to solve problems, and to start looking ahead to the ideals and activities that will really inspire you.
It’s time to focus on your mission statement as a couple: who are you, what do you stand for? If you don’t know, it’s time to find out.
Magic Motto – “We push boundaries to find ourselves and explore through the relationship.”
Magic Text – “You have so much to learn about me and I can’t wait to share my secrets.”
The moon waxes from the 1st to the 15th making the first two weeks of the month the most favorable for all your new goals, romantic initiatives and any discussions you want to have about undertaking something different or novel.
After the 15th you have to nail things down, do a bit of extra research and make sure that you are on the right track. A favorable waxing period for financial reorganization is his business.
Money matters connected to loans, taxes and debt can be tackled. A time to do research on financial matters and get clarity. Sex counseling or better communication about sex is important. Investigation and discovery of difficult information is valuable. Good for getting tips and donations.
This is an excellent time for real estate and property deals. Home moves and renovations are favored. This is also a great time for family events and hosting dinner parties. Business venture to do with work from home are successful.
Major career moves and new leadership roles are not favored. Not a great waxing phase for job interviews. PR, public speaking and new business ventures are also not suitable in the waxing phase.
November 2024 Horoscope for an Aquarius Man (week by week)
Week 1: Together you stand
Mars is all about energy and motion. If your relationship was stagnating or you were just in a rut, this helps things to get moving quickly. There’s more desire affectionately and romantically, and he wants to attach.
The key to love right now is doing things together. Couples who play together stay together, so you want to be setting yourselves goals and doing both fun and productive things together.
It doesn’t necessarily have to be fun; if you guys come together to fight off a common enemy or unite against a challenge that you are facing, you can have a big impact.
Week 2: See it coming
Right now, what you and Aquarius man need to do is show your commitment to the relationship by solving problems and getting on top of them, and then the rest of your year should be free for much better things.
This can be quite a contentious time. Often, elements of home and family life are a source of arguments. It’s very important that you and your Aquarius man avoid toxic people, especially family members who inevitably cause trouble or throw a spoke in the wheel. It’s incredibly important to focus on what you guys most want and not be put off track by the problems that come in the way.
Sometimes there are repairs and things to be done in the home that are quite urgent, and that’s why you need to quickly jump on them and pull together. This is not a time to put things off; see problems coming and deal with them immediately.
Week Three: Eye on the prize
This brings a lot of light relief to the heavier energies and may represent a time where you guys can stop thinking about work, have a little bit of a rest, or do something that you both are going to really enjoy. However, the emphasis in all relationships is action, being expansive, and working on progressive goals.
So, nothing about your relationship now should be too conservative or focused on details or pettiness. You have to keep your eye on the prize, stay positive, and keep aiming for the highest good. It’s so important to remain optimistic, not cynical.
Week 4: Balloon of love
Your fantasy life and your ability to escape together and enjoy yourselves sexually is very important. For couples who communicate well and who are fairly exclusive, this can be quite a magical time where you can escape into your own bubble and have a feeling of retreating from the world and being at a place beyond it all.
However, sometimes reality can be lost. This is also a time of idealistic thinking, and sometimes you have to just ask yourself, “Where is this going? What are we doing?” It’s very important to have this boost of creativity and to escape in your imaginations in order to fuel romance, but sometimes it’s a little bit dangerous if you are using it to distract from immediate concerns.
So, what’s the key? Fantasy and escapism are very important, but you must know when to come down to earth and deal with things again.
I think there is an interesting mix of energies for an Aquarius man. There’s definitely an impetus for improving your relationship at a deep level, a sexual level, and also in terms of having fun and working hard together.
Sometimes you have to keep a hold on yourself because your grip on reality can be lost, and sometimes you can run on tangents as a couple, not always knowing what’s important.
There’s a mixture required where some private time is needed—just you alone escaping into your bubble—but as the week goes on, it’s very important not to be too isolated and to just experience some community life.
Make your Aquarius man OBSESSED…
Have you ever fantasized about being that irresistible woman in Netflix shows…
The one the leading man just CAN’T stop thinking about?
The sexy, affectionate protagonist would do anything for this woman…
He will go to extremes to get her attention and make her happy.
Now, let’s say the star of this show is your Aquarius man…
And you are the filler character who is secretly in love with this gorgeous man…
But is unable to get his attention.
Why is that?
Because you don’t have that “wow factor” that the irresistible girl he’s in love with has.
Well, it’s time to change the narrative.
I’ve created a list of challenges…
That will instantly make him chase you, love you, and OBSESS over you.
He will experience intense feelings he has never felt for anyone else.
Feelings he can’t ignore or suppress because you will connect to his heart in ways he instinctively responds to…
Precisely how you’ve always hoped he would.
The Challenge will become your guide to getting to the heart and soul of your Aquarius man…
And will take you to the heart of what makes him tick.
You’ll understand his deepest desires…
And fulfill the emotional needs he may not even realize he has.
Through this step-by-step, day-by-day guide…
You’ll learn how to become the woman he finds UNFORGETTABLE.
The one who “got away”…
You’ll reignite his passion and capture his heart in ways he never imagined possible.
So much so that within just 30 days, you may completely transform your relationship…
Emotionally, physically, and spiritually!
Click here to learn more about The Challenge.
I promise you’ll love it.
Sending you much love,
Your sister and relationship astrologer,
Anna Kovach
Hi beautiful Anna- did I miss the horoscope for December for Aquarius man?