Aquarius Man Horoscope for January 2025

by Anna Kovach, relationship astrologer
Are you wondering how January is going to treat your Aquarius man? Check out the January horoscope predictions for an Aquarius man...

Happy New Year sweetheart, and a warm hello to an Aquarius man horoscope for January. It is time to welcome in 2025 and gaze into the heavens and contemplate what the planets have in store for us.

Now as you would know if you purchased my yearly guide for your Aquarius Man, which I highly recommend, is that 2025 as an exceptional year because every one of the planets is changing side, in some cases multiple times.

Now it’s not all that unusual for the planets from the Sun to Mars to change sign, but it is very unusual that Pluto, Neptune, Uranus and Saturn are all changing sign this year.

Pluto of course is now in Aquarius after having just arrived in Aquarius where it will be for another 16 years. Neptune and Saturn will be entering Aries, Uranus is entering Gemini and Jupiter which is now in Gemini will be going into Cancer, so 2025 is going to be a year when the planetary energies are displaying totally different side of their character.

This indicates opportunities for a shake-up and it’s an ideal phase for us all to shift gear, adopt new attitudes, create opportunity in our relationships through better communication, goal setting and understanding the dynamics.

I am here to help you with the deeper understanding, so let’s have a look and see what January has got in store because it’s off to a feisty and rather intense start.

Here’s what the stars have in store for an Aquarius Man this January…

New Moon in Capricorn – 1st of January

Now, this New Moon for Aquarius Man is particularly contemplative. He can sometimes be a little bit aloof, detached, and enjoys having time to ponder, reflect, imagine, fantasize, and daydream and now is a case in point.

So, what he doesn’t like right now is a lot of obligations thrust upon him or being forced into anything very hectic or time-consuming. This is a period of the year when he often feels like he needs a little bit of a mental reboot.

In fact, the most powerful thing he can do right now is meditation, perhaps going on retreat if possible, and using mantras or other forms of mindfulness to get a grip on core feelings and emotions that are raging within him. 

This is a time of psychological refreshment for him. He’s often very non-committal right now. This is certainly not a time when you can really get any straight answers or move the relationship forward because he just doesn’t know how he feels, so play it by ear.

Venus enters Pisces on the 4th of January

This particular placement is very conducive for romance, but particularly romance that is sensual, affectionate, and reassuring. What he most wants from a partner now is someone who’s understanding and also someone who helps him feel relaxed and comfortable.

So, what you’re looking to create in the relationship is a sense of harmony and physical affection. There doesn’t necessarily have to be loads of conversation, in fact, the more you can enjoy quiet walks on the beach, sitting and watching some films, or perhaps even going to things like galleries or museums, the better.

He enjoys any activity where he can immerse himself in escapism, arts, or the senses. So, sexual foreplay right now should be essential, not necessarily foreplay that’s about heavy conversation, joking around, or fun. He needs to have his senses stimulated. This could include things like massages and simply being really comfortable and familiar with each other.

Mars Retrograde enters Cancer – 7th of January

Mars has been retrograde in Leo, which is a particularly difficult one for relationships with an Aquarius man, which is why it was so important not to be pushy, assertive, or do anything that is going to seem like you’re enforcing his hand.

Now, with Mars going into Cancer, it’s important that he pays attention to his health. There is a need for balance in his life. This is a time when he’s often more aware of ways in which he’s overextended, feeling stressed out, or feeling frustrated.

So, it can be a good time for cutting ties with activities or people who are exacerbating emotional stress in both of your lives. This is quite a good time to get organized, think about ways to simplify your life, and be more efficient.

This is definitely not a good time to take on anything that’s going to be hard work or feel very restrictive.

North Node moves into Pisces – 12th of January

This represents the beginning of a year-long position of the North Node, and it’s very conducive to the formulation of depth of feeling in love. It indicates that he’s moving to a space where he wants commitment and certainty in life.

This is also indicative of him wanting to take fewer risks. So, it’s very important right now that you seem like a safe person to be with, someone who is solid, reliable, and dependable.

In fact, the more you engage with him and his routines and rituals, and the more you establish positive relationship rituals around quality time spent together, the better the relationship will be. 

This is not the best phase for relationships that are very tricky in terms of distance or major bridges to be gapped because he may feel that it’s hard work, possibly insurmountable. So, put in some effort now to get the relationship on track and feeling stable, and it will pay dividends.

Mercury enters Capricorn – 9th of January

This is a good time for you to do activities together that help you both release tension and escape. This is also a time to be spiritually aware in relationships. Think of the bigger picture. Understand how you are both subtly changing through the relationship and support each other’s personal growth and development. 

This is also a time when he can be more restless. He tends to suffer from anxiety, and anything that has been playing on his mind can torment him. So, it’s always good to allow him to have a forum to speak when he needs to speak but not to put pressure on him. Offer wise guidance but don’t feel the need to go into long explanations or diatribes. Sometimes something short, sweet, and poignant really strikes a chord with him.

Sun enters Aquarius – 20th of January

This year, this is a particularly significant movement of the Sun into his sign as it will be conjunct Pluto, and it highlights the need for quite radical changes that he should attempt to make in his life. It’s also a time for him to honestly review the obstacles that he faces in his life. 

He needs to think about the biggest threats to your relationship and his own well-being. This can be a time when you actually need to contemplate some serious decisions and answer certain searching questions about what you want from life and where you’re going. This is an ideal time to make a clean break or to make decisions that will take your life in a radical new direction.

New Moon in Aquarius – 29th of January

A positive New Moon for an Aquarius man, it indicates an increase in health vitality and can also symbolize plans coming together and positive new directions.

This is a great time for him to create an agenda for the year, a positive intention, and to start brand-new activities. This favors you guys in committed relationships beginning new relationship rituals or embarking on a fresh page in terms of your relationship.

This is also a very good moon for letting bygones be bygones. Often, you need to underline your intention to move forward by engaging in outdoor activities, some physical work, and being busy and practically productive.

Themes for an Aquarius Man this January 2025…

There’s a powerful need for psychological renewal. The thrust of the energies this month are about contemplation, reflection, and then doing some purging, making important decisions, and moving forward, but also understanding what needs to be left behind. Relationships require some stoicism and stability. This is not a risk-taking time, but it is a time to make groundbreaking and long-term decisions.

Magic Motto: “Life and love are a series of battles and triumphs, but sometimes we are at our best watching the games unfold not playing them.”

Magic Text: “We control our destiny, we chose the outcome, let’s step into our power.”


Now, the moon waxes from the 31st of December until the 13th of January, meaning this is the waxing phase of the moon, which is ideal for making decisions, coming up with plans, creating new strategies, beginning a new chapter and initiating in general.

This period is great for dealing with bureaucracy and government departments. If he works in the civil service, it’s a good time for applying for a promotion or transfer.

Meditation and mindfulness is very successful right now if he’s interested in that. It’s also a suitable time for him to use positive affirmations and creative visualization for achieving relaxation and confidence.

This is also very suitable for new career ventures in medicine, holistic medicine and healthcare. Some relaxation and solitude is very helpful for him.


This is a not good month for large-scale group activities or for having a lot to do with friends or your social circle. It’s also a time when he should be more cautious about his use of social media. This is not a good time for friends with benefits relationships.

Joining new groups and associations for pleasure, work or political reasons is not favored. Major career moves and new leadership roles are not favoured. Not a great time for job interviews.

January 2025 Horoscope for an Aquarius Man…

Week 1: Risk management 

This is the most intense week of the month as Mars is retrograde in Leo, opposite Pluto. There can be power struggles in relationships and battles of wills. He’s particularly stubborn right now, and he also can be a little bit of a mystery.

It’s very important to judge your moment and not be reckless in the relationship. It’s better to count to 10 and step away. Don’t seek arguments right now because they can be absolutely draining and can get you nowhere. 

It’s a time when, physically, he should avoid risk. This is not a good time for any adventure sports or doing anything that’s out of the realm of his normal activities. It’s also a time for him to be careful with his health and to cut back on any recent excess.

Week 2: Chill pilled

This is definitely a good week to relax. If you are dating or you are already a couple, spend some time at home. Understand what really helps your relationship move forward and concentrate on those activities.

This isn’t a time for doing anything radical or chasing your tail. It’s a marvelous time to eat hearty, good food, have sensitive conversations, and just enjoy each other’s company without the weight of expectation.

This is also a good time for privacy in the relationship. It’s probably better to spend time nurturing your connection rather than hanging out with friends and family. This is also a time when he shouldn’t be going after work goals too stringently or obsessively. He should pace himself.

Week 3: Trust and Truth

This week is ideal for romance. It’s a good time to have a nice meal out and do romantic things. Aquarius man is a romantic at heart, and this is a great time to explore your sex life. It’s not just about sex, however; it’s about being physically affectionate with each other, and if you’re dating, understanding what turns him on and what he really likes. 

Right now is a great time to understand what he really needs from you, so have discussions about what would be helpful for him in terms of making the relationship stronger.

This is also a time to be very measured and wise because that creates a solid foundation for improving the relationship during the rest of the year. Trust is absolutely key right now, so don’t mess with his feelings, don’t play games, and no flirting with his friends.

Week 4: Cards on the table 

This is a great week for intensive discussions and planning. It’s also very good for you both to get your head in gear about any financial matters that need consideration. It may also be a time when you both begin to understand what’s next for your relationship. 

This should be a fearless time where you are both totally honest with each other and transparent. Don’t keep secrets, don’t feel inclined to be elusive right now.

It’s time to get your cards on the table. A lot of progress can be made right now, but remember, it’s also a time where you have to be honest about what’s not working and be prepared to walk away from people or activities that no longer contribute to either of your well-being. Some psychological awareness is also much needed.


Now, this is an excellent month for renewal on a psychological level, and holistically, he will spend some time contemplating and reaching understanding.

It’s important for you as a couple to have quite private moments to work on physical affection and also deeper levels of trust and understanding. Not everything is easy this month, but there are definitely flashes of insight and moments of clarity that will enable you to make the best decision for your relationship going forward.

Get ready for a deeper connection with your Aquarius man throughout 2025…

Ever experienced that unmistakable gut feeling?

You know, that gentle nudge from your intuition, a subtle whisper of insights into your love life.

It’s your inner compass trying to communicate in a language only you can comprehend. And now, with the unveiling of Aquarius Man Secrets 2025your intuition is about to get a megaphone.

This guide isn’t just a manual…

It’s your personal translator for the cosmic messages your intuition sends your way.

Imagine having a direct conversation with the stars about your Aquarius man and your love life, and receiving clear, actionable insights in return…

Curious about what makes Aquarius Man Secrets 2025 extraordinary?

Unlike traditional astrology, which dives into birth charts and generalities, this guide is your GPS for navigating specific questions:

“Is your Aquarius man ready for a deeper commitment in 2025?”

“Does he have plans that align with your shared future?”

“What does the cosmic forecast hold for your relationship?”

It’s like having a hotline to the Universe for decoding the mysteries of your Aquarius man’s heart, month by month.

Ready to bridge the gap between your intuition and the cosmic roadmap for your love life? Request your guide today, and unlock the profound insights that 2025 holds for you and your Aquarius man.

Don’t wait for the Universe to drop hints…

Go here for an instant revelation to any burning question about your Aquarius man.

Wishing you cosmic love and radiant connections with your Aquarius man…

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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